Friday, November 9, 2012

Anamorphic drawings

Most of you have seen pictures of the artist that draws angles pictures on sidewalks that create illusions.  But today I found an artist that does a similar drawing style but he uses the reflection in a small mirrored object to create his drawings.

orosz20132 600x673 Anamorphic drawings by Istvan Orosz

Look closely at the above picture, it is drawn to be seen in the metal cylinder.  Now maybe this one isn't impressive but how about this one...

orosz20102 600x378 Anamorphic drawings by Istvan Orosz

How about this one...

orosz2092 600x501 Anamorphic drawings by Istvan Orosz

Maybe this one.....

orosz2082 600x451 Anamorphic drawings by Istvan Orosz

orosz2072 600x354 Anamorphic drawings by Istvan Orosz

These are beautiful pictures on their own, but when you see their reflections they are amazing works of art.


  1. This is very unique. The reflection looks amazing. At first, i didnt know what i was supposed to be looksing at, but then i saw the image in the reflection.

  2. interesting, i dont think ive ever seen anything quite like this. it certainly is noteworthy. i can honestley say i would enjoy this at an art gallery

  3. this type of art really amazes me. The image and the reflection showing is impressive. I sure would like to make something like this someday. Really does interest me and very unique.

  4. It is very interesting. I wouold like to make one someday. love how they made that art.

  5. these are really cool i think. they would take a lot of time. also they would be hard to do.

  6. this type of art is pretty cool, Ive never seen anything like this. Really creative and catches my attention I bet it took a long time to make. The reflection of the image is really impressive I dont think I could ever do this!

  7. There seems to be no end to the things artists will do to make their art unbelievable. Just when you start to think you've seen just about all the possibilities, someone comes up with something like this. I would be really fun to try making one of these project, but it would take a lot of time and paitience if you wanted it to turn out amazing.

  8. i like how they put the reflection on to the piece of paper for the cylinder object

  9. All of the reflections look cool. Seems very difficult to make. Also seems like it would take a very long time. I would not be able to do this.

  10. This looks confusing but a lot of fun.

    1. i think it is a very confusing art form but is very interesting because of what it looks like it would take a long time to do it but it is very cool.

  11. cool artwork but would take to much time. to be honost if i didnt get paid for this i wouldnt do it. they get paid for it so it probably so it should be really good.

  12. It looks really cool but it looks like very time consuming

  13. This art looks really hard and looks like it would take some time. That would be sweet if i could draw somethin like that

  14. this art is very cool. It looks like it would take some time into them.

  15. this art is very cool. i like this art a lot it is very interesting

  16. this art is very cool i think it'd be time consuming but would be worth it in the long run.

  17. i really like this idea it looks like the cylinder blends in and i think thats what they were trying to do.

  18. i like how it is like they are in water and the water is being distorted by the cylenders.

  19. my favorite is the one that has the eye because it looks like an ilumanati sign.

  20. I like this its like the cylinder things make it seem like a barrier and is distorting the picture in a way the picture goes around the cylinder cause its like water and oil kinda thing

  21. it is so cool and nice looking. it must take a long time to make the pictures.

  22. These are very creative. I think these are very cool. It seems so simple but yet it must have took him a lot of time to create one picture. He deserves awards for these. WOOOOOW.

  23. The first one is frickin awesome. I think that more people need to do art like this. I like it alot.

  24. This art is soo mind blowing and cool. I think the first one has to be my favorite though

  25. These are really cool and kinda of confusing but they are great.

  26. This is awesome how the page is covered in the picture on the object. I have no clue how you would even do this! I guess it would be fun to try out.

  27. This really cool. I'm not sure how they did this though.

  28. that is really cool and nuts!!! how do they do that? i want to do that!!! it looks really fun and its creative!!!

  29. This is are insane! I would love to try this but i have a feeling it wouldnt turn out anything like these....

  30. this arts pretty cool. but i would never want to do it. it would be very hard to do.

  31. its kinda like 3d. its pretty cool. that would take forever.

  32. this is cool art but it would take so long to make it though.

  33. this looks kind of weird. i dont really like this kind of art.

  34. This art work is really cool but it would be very confusing and hard to do. It would also take a great amount of time. Although it looks confusing and hard, it would be really to see one in person.

  35. This is awesome how the page is covered in the picture on the object. I have no clue how you would even do this. I guess it would be fun to try out.

  36. this is really cool it reflects nicely and would be fun to do

  37. Oh wow this is awesome. Its really fun and creative. Wish i could do that.

  38. I'm going to ask my art teacher if we can do those. Those are awesome. I really like the one with the feet because of how much detail is given.

  39. This would take me weeks to envision and at least three more months to get started. I can't even figure out how to draw something like that, it does not look like it will turn out to be.

  40. Whoa! This is so cool. I still don't understand all of the science behind this but I understand it enough to know that it probably takes some math to figure out how to draw it.

  41. I love how the art focuses on the center! Very ice detail.

  42. I love how the art focuses on the center! Very ice detail.

  43. This is very neat. The reflections are very cool. I would like to try something like this.

  44. These are so cool. I follow some art accounts on instagram and theres this guy that does many of these. very cool.

  45. This is cool but makes me wonder whether the cylinders are made of the same materials that mirrors are made of or if they are just metal cylinders that reflect the image

  46. This is weird but cool. I know for sure I could never do this.

  47. This is a really cool thing, but I don't really understand it. It is kinda weird and confusing to me.

  48. Wow, when you can turn a simple design like those into a complex 360 degree artwork is amazing. How the details are down to the finest point makes it incredible. all those artworks are masterpieces and are so beautiful.

  49. I find it amazing how one drawing can change into an entirely different image when reflected. My favorite is the one where the reflection is a bull. Also I like how the image looks like a path leading to it.

  50. these are amazing works of art and i dont really understand how they did them i would really like to see one being made or drawn

  51. I thiks its cool that they drew on picture but there is another picture hidden in it. It would take a long time to make this. I think this is awsome

  52. These are awesome. It would be fun to do a project like this.It would be difficult to get it stretched out just right to make it look good I think.

  53. These are amazing! I think it is really cool how they make the picture small and then make it super big and stretched out.

  54. It really cool how they use size in it. I like how the first one kind of looks like a wave.

  55. These look pretty cool. I don't think this would be a good project because it would be very hard. But these are very cool piece of art.


  56. I this its cool that they drew on picture but there is another picture hidden in it.Its really fun and creative.They would take a lot of time.

  57. I really like, how it kind of makes another picture. I like how it shows the picture in a new perspective. I think the third one is really cool.

  58. cool artwork but would take to much time. to be honost if i didnt get paid for this i wouldnt do it. they get paid for it so it probably so it should be really good.

  59. This would be so difficult, but I think I would love doing it. Trying to figure out the right angles and where to put things. It would be fun.

  60. I really like how they make it look like its rotating around something.

  61. This is a really cool style. I've always liked partially warped or altered works. It looks quite fun to do.

  62. Its cool how the reflection turns into another piece. It's pretty creative and you would need to be pretty precise. I like the last one

  63. I wouldnt say im a huge fan of this. I don't really know why i just wouldn't choose to do this. maybe if there were brighter colors and if the bottom matched better.

  64. this looks like it would be very hard to do. I also think it would take awhile i guess it depends on how big you want to make it. I do not think i would enjoy doing this project.
