Monday, November 5, 2012

Packaged Art

   Can you guess how these sculptures were made?  Here is a is one of the cheapest mediums that could be found in any office supply store. 

So what are your guesses for medium?  And what would you make if I let you have the chance?  Would you make a scene like the fishermen or would you create an object like the carousel tree horses?


  1. i really like this type of art becuase it looks like ice and i aspecially like the horses on the trees. its amazing how much detail they can put into it.

  2. I think that it is like this clear wrap that you can like put over food. I would probally make a cow. I would make a scene with a cow in a barn.

  3. i think that this looks like tape.. it looks really cool and almost elagant like ice sculptures.. its amazing how much detail is put into these and they seem to fit in with their placements.

  4. I don't really know what these are exactly made out of but they look really cool. Especially the one where the horses are on the tree very creative. All around like this type of art very creative and time comsuming.

  5. this is the coolest thing i have ever seen. its so cool how they made these and how they but their placements! this wud be very cool to work with as an art project. but very time consuming.

  6. I think that would be alot of fun to make. I dont understand what its made out of though.

  7. I have no clue what these sculptures are made of. I think they are pretty creative though

  8. This is really cool, but it looks like it would take forever. But it would be pretty fun making it

  9. These are so cool I really like the giraffe and the spider web one! I have no idea what they are made of it looks like plastic sort of! The people who made them are really good and creative

  10. This is cool because it looks like ice. The one where they are fishing is really cool. It has alot of detail in it

  11. this is really cool. it looks alot like ice. it looks like it would take along time to make becuase it has alot of details in it.

  12. I would not be able to do this without messing it up. I would not be able to carve it and make it look as good as they do. The makers of these sculptures must be really artistic.

  13. these are cool. especially the last one, its like the sewer web from the amazing spiderman. how is this done?

  14. This is really cool. It looks extremely hard and would take ALOT of effort. How do they do it?

  15. I like the one with the horses. It reminds me of the Catcher in the Rye book cover. This is pretty amazing, because it's ice and it just looks cool.

  16. That is so cool. that must take alot of time to do that. i would love to meat the people that did that all. i love the horse one, it looks like a marry-go-round.

  17. I don't know what this is made out of, but it is so neat! i feel like this would be a very interesting project to try!

  18. I think this is made out of clear wrap. The one in the middle of the room was my favorite. I think that this would be very time consuming. I think this project would be a lot of fun.

  19. It looks like its made of plastic wrap. The horses are definitely the coolest. It would be sort of fun to do, but it would take an extremely long time.

  20. I would love and try to make something like this. It does look very difficult but i would like to try. If i were to make this it would be similar to the tree horses.

  21. this looks so cool. i wonder what its made of. it looks like fun to make.

  22. This is very cool. My favorite one is the horse. It would be fun to make.

  23. This looks really cool. I wonder how long it would take to make this. I think that this would take a really long time to make.

  24. That looks very cool, but how did they make it

  25. looks really cool. I would like to know what it is made out of. I think its made out of some saran wrap but thats just a wild guess.

  26. shock and ah....... bro. super cool awesome bro. it look like spider web bro

  27. this looks very confusing to make i thought it was made of ice but i dont know what it is made out of anymore. but it is a very cool form of art.

  28. these are pretty cool it looks like ice. if it is ice they better not turn the heat on cuz everyones time was wasted, and whoever payed them wasted money becuz it melted. it would be to hard for me to make and i probably wouldnt unless i got paid. but wow those are some good arts.... i bet there molded!!!

  29. this is very amazing. i wish that i could do something like this. it looks like lots of spiders made this stuff

  30. This is pointless art. I would never want to do this. They should have done something else with there time.

  31. it is made of plastic wrap. it is amazing what some people use in there art. it must take a long time to make.

  32. the glass things in the trees and stuff are cool. they make things look so real. i would rather make something else other than this. they don't make things like this in a day but i could if you gave me the material.

  33. im guesing its made out of plastic. it would be hard to make that because it sticks together.

  34. I think it is made out of saran wrap. it would be really hard to make this because saran wrap is weak and sticky. i dont think i could do this because it would take alot of time.

  35. I like the color of animals, i say we do this for a class project.

  36. The packaging is really cool looking. Its awesome how they made shapes out of that packaging material. I wonder how they stay there! Its an overall cool looking project.

  37. This is weird but really cool! I would like to try this sometime!!

  38. i thought it was ice then figued it was some sort of plastic

  39. I was thinking that these were made of wax, but looking through other peoples post, it might just be tape. These are very cool and i think that whoever made these had a lot of time on there hands.

  40. This is also another way to think outside of the box on a way to look at art. I believe that the medium is either the packing plastic, or the packing tape. i like the horses like the carousel its pretty special, although would be pretty tough to make so that they are filled with air and puffy.

  41. I would accidentally walk into these and then freak out because there is a giraffe in my way.

  42. this is one of the coolest piece of art that I have saw in a while. The medium looks like its wax or some kind of plastic. My favorite one is the giraffe, it looks like a real giraffe but its in art form.

  43. This is awesome how they do this. I think they are using plastic wrap but i dont know if its that or ice. I like the horse one the most.

  44. I think this medium is plastic wrap. That stuff is tricky to use. I can barely cover my leftovers without it getting all tangled up let alone create art projects from it. It would probably end up in a ball by the end of my project.

  45. these are really cool and the plastic wrap would get all tangled but and i would just give up on a project with it, but i still think that its cool.

  46. this is really cool and would be fun to do sometime in class although it would take a very long time.

  47. This s made of plastic wrap, i can barely put platic wrap over a bowl let alone make a project out of it. This would be difficult. Not a fun project to do.

  48. Oh wow this is really awesome. I think it might be like plastic that's been recycled. It would be awesome if i could make that.

  49. This is intense! he is crazy for making things out of plastic wrap! I woild make something like the fisherman. The tree thing is super neat also!

  50. Okay where is the giant spider.

  51. I'm not really sure what the medium is. Although i really like the giraffe! I would never be able to make that!

  52. Is this packaging tape? This is so cool. I don't know how this person made the horses though... The sphereicalness of the horses looks incredibaly difficult.

  53. This is super cool and looks like it takes some serious talent to accomplish.

  54. This is super cool and looks like it takes some serious talent to accomplish.

  55. This would be fun to make but it would take forever to do.

  56. This looks like it took a lot of work and determination to do. Very nice though.

  57. That looks like a lot of work and its something that i would like to go see but not something that I would try.

  58. This is super cool and I would never be able to make one of these. I wonder what they made it out of? I would not want to try to make theses.

  59. I wonder how long art like this would take to make. I'm guessing a long time. This is really cool

  60. wow, how would you do these. The consumption of time and effort for these must have been incredible. The thought behind this is genius yet simple. This is a great work of art.

  61. The packaging is really cool looking. Its awesome how they made shapes out of that packaging material. I wonder how they stay there! Its an overall cool looking project

  62. This is super cool and I would never be able to make one of these. I wonder what they made it out of? I would not want to try to make theses.

  63. i thin that this project would be really interesting and fun to work with. i would try to do something with hockey if i could do this project

  64. This is amazing. I love the spider web. I would think it would be cool it they went bigger. They could do some pretty cool things.

  65. I think that it is amazing what you can do with everyday items, and that I would make a large animal. The artists used plastic I think.

  66. This is really sweet. It must have taking a long time to plan it all out and to make then look so good. This is something i would never want to do

  67. This is amazing! i would love to do this it seems like a really fun project.

  68. That looks so cool, they look so realistic. They look like plastic bubbles. They look hard to do and time consuming.

  69. That looks so cool, they look so realistic. They look like plastic bubbles. They look hard to do and time consuming.

  70. This look so cool. It looks like it would be very time consuming. But would be cool to try.

  71. I really like this type of art because it looks like ice and I especially like the horses on the trees. It's amazing how much detail they can put into it.But it looks like it would be very time consuming.

  72. I really like how this looks. I know I would never be able to do it but it would be very fun to try. It has so much detail.

  73. It looks like they're made of tape. If i had the chance to do this I would make a big bear. THis is soo interesting.

  74. This is really cool and looks like it takes time to make everyone of them. I'm not good at drawing human features so I wouldn't be good at this.

  75. :)I really like this piece of art it looks cool, and pretty when you put it outdoors in the open so everyone can view it, i have tried this artwork before it was fun, but does required a lot of tape:)

  76. This would be fun to make but it would take forever to do.
    These are really cool . This is interesting.

  77. I really like how they used something super cheap and turned it into a piece of art. I like the one, where it kind of looks like a spider web. I just wonder how they did it.

  78. think that this looks like tape.. it looks really cool and almost elagant like ice sculptures.. its amazing how much detail is put into these and they seem to fit in with their placements.

  79. It looks like tape. That really awesome.I really like the carousel horses. This is fun to look at.

  80. What are these made out of? They look like they are made of glass.

  81. These pieces look really cool. The bottom one sort of puts off a really ominous mood.

  82. These are very cool. I wish I could do something like this. But unfortunately I'm not that talented.

  83. Its cool how its all plastic. Like they probably had to heat it to make it stretch like that. How the bend it and make it into shapes like that is crazy

  84. it appears to be made of saran rap. This is so cool to construct something so complex with one of the cheapest mediums. the spider web one is the coolest I feel though because it really emphasizes the white or clear appearance of the if it were a spider web.

  85. I think this is really cool. It would be fun to do something like this. I wonder how they got the material to hold its shape

  86. This looks really cool. I would enjoy doing this. you can be really creative. I liked the giraffe by the tree. I think they were made out of tape. It looks like the thing we did for veterans day that one year.
