Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Even on halloween I had to find art that has an All Hallow's Eve feeling, and the most famous work that I could find was "Skull of a Skeleton by Vincent Van Gogh."  Van Gogh is one of the world's most famous artists.  He didn't start painting until later in life, and then painted for 10 years (most of which was in an insane asylum) and then he commited suicide.  At the time he only sold one painting and now his artwork is some of the most expensive in the world.

Skull of a Skeleton with a Burning Cigarette
Vincent Van Gogh
Happy Halloween!!!


  1. this painting has so much detail put into it. It really stands out and shows the shapes and color of the bones. when painting at an angle can be very difficult, but this looks really great.Everything about this painting i like.

  2. i dont quiet get what this is supposed to be made out of.. :/ but it is very interesting it has a lot of details and alot of color and shading almost looks real.

  3. i love this painting. It has much detail and it looks great. If i tried making this it would take me a long time

  4. this looks really cool and very deatailed. it would have taken quite a bit of time to paint but the angle is really cool and realistic.

  5. I love this. its so much detail is really goog

  6. This is pretty cool. It looks like it would take talent and time. This is kinda weird looking.

  7. This painting has so much detail. I think that the amount of detail makes the painting alot more interesting. I think that this painting looks very cool.

  8. The detail on it is amazing. It must have taken so long to make it. It is carzy how good it is now one of my favorite painting it is really good.

  9. the detail on this thing is amazing. they take a skeleton smoking. they have to make this thing and it looks gold. i wish it was the greatest thing ever in the world.

  10. It is very cool. Love the skeleton it is well made. The paintin is very detail.

  11. That is a very detailed skeleton. This took a lot of skill to create. I am sure the artist has been painting for many years.

  12. This is a cool drawing but i guess it really shows what smoking can really do.

  13. I love this, it looks really good! Its really detailed and creative,

  14. this is a very cool painting. Its very interesting that he drew it while he was in an insane assylum. i also like that he didnt start art untill later in life.

  15. This is very cool. Its really interesting on how he layed it all out. I like how the yellow contrasts with the black in the background.

  16. Kind of strange, but the details are incredible. Not sure why a skeleton is smoking though.

  17. Very cool painting i like how he paintings the picture in a skeleton

  18. Its pretty cool. I think its kind of funny. it is good and very detailed.

  19. this is such a detailed peice of art it is hard to look at just because it has so many things going on in the painting.

  20. this is pretty crazy. id like if they drew mike meyers hes awesome. halloween night 1963 thats a pretty good mike meyers song. but i would draw this if and only if i could draw mike meyers. but they got paid so they did alright.

  21. very cool painting. very dark and mysterious. I like it very much. there should be more artists from insane asylums. making mils being crazy.

  22. this is crazy with detail and probolly took a ling time to make.

  23. this is alright. its kind of scary and i think im going to have nightmares about this.

  24. This is a very cool piece of art and it is really scary to look at. Its creepy to think that he did most of his paintings in an insane asylum though.

  25. its alright i guess ...very creative

  26. this is really wierd i dont know why you would want to paint this

  27. This is cool, I love anything that has to do with Halloween. The cigarette in his mouth makes it different an unique.

  28. I love this painting. It has much detail and it looks great. If i tried making this it would take me a long time.It would be very challenging to do and it would take forever.

  29. did he do this while he was in the prison. I do like what he did with he painting it looks lik he did i out of water colors i like the paiting

  30. I love Van Gogh's work. I find it hard to believe that he only sold one piece of his artwork and now they're so popular. I can't imagine how he must've felt, spending 10 years creating so much pieces and only selling one. That alone would make me give up and quite, it's a miracle he kept going.

  31. Well I'm sure it looks good. Unfortunately the picture isn't showing up for me. I might be able to draw the white screen it shows me.

  32. The image also isn't showing for me. I am very certain that I won't be able to draw any good skeletons, they're a little too complex to me. Also, for some reason drawing a skeleton just seems weird to me. Though I think this would work as a don't smoke advertisement; with the cigarette and skull, it gives you the impression of smoking brings death.

  33. These look really weird. They remind me of ice sculptures but they're not. They still look cool.

  34. this painting has so much detail put into it. It really stands out and shows the shapes and color of the bones. when painting at an angle can be very difficult, but this looks really great.Everything about this painting i like.
