Monday, January 28, 2013

You won't believe your eye

Ok, I want you to a quick look at the picture below.  Just make it a quick glance.  And tell me what you see.

Now look at the same picture a little longer.  What do you see this time?

Can you see the sink drain?  This is what happens when a photographer is in the right place at the right time.


  1. This art looks sweet. They really took there time on the details. I would probably no be able to accomplish this.

  2. This is very cool i like how they put a storm or hurricane in the center of the eye and i like the creativity

  3. i think its pretty neat how at first when you look at it, it looks like an eye. but, when you stare at it you can see the drain. i find it really cool.

  4. It is an amazing photo. It would be hard to get the perfect angle. Whoever came up with this idea was really creative.

  5. i think thsi is so cool. I guess you can make art out of anything if you have a camera and the right timeing. But at first i did think that this was an eye

  6. This is a neat picture. Its cool how everyday things can sometime turn into a cool piece of art. The sink is definetely a creative piece of art.

  7. That is cool how the photographer was their when this happened. It almost looks like he added an effect to the photo to make it look more like an eye though. This is a pretty good photo.

  8. i want to try this with my sink at home, but im sure id waste money on soap trying

  9. this is really creepy what this guy makes his art into. i dont even think this is art so he shall get another job.

  10. This is so cool. At first i thought it was an actually eye until i actually looked at it and it was a sink. This is pretty amazing to catch something like this. I actually want to try this and see what i can come up with.

  11. mind=blown. it looks like an eye. really thought its got to be a drain lolz. so somebody must have bathed or showered thought they seen an eye took a picture and now they made millions of dollars. I cant even work enough to get new rims or tires for my pickup let alone make millions on a picture of a drain. well moral of this picture, take pictures of everything, its gotta be worth something:)

  12. This is really cool art. I love how he makes it look like an eye. But I also think that it is very creative. Its really unique

  13. Thats really creepy. It looks like someone is popping their eye out of bubbles. I think its cool how this was taken though

  14. That is so cool i wish i could do that

  15. This is cool and wierd. I like how it looks like water draining. It really brings out the eye.

  16. haha this is great. At first it looks like a very detailed eye, but then at second glance, you can pick out the drain, water and soap. really cool.

  17. I like it. The eye is very cool. Like how they made it.

  18. i think its a bath tub drainer but it looks like an eye. this is cool and it realy looks real

  19. i thought it was a eye at first then a sink draining this is really cool

  20. this art is awesome. Its so confusing!

  21. Cool. I guess you can find art anywhere.

  22. This is kind of like those two faces that create a glass. Can see many pictures in just one. Looks really good, would be fun to try and do something like this.

  23. when you first glance at it you just think it is an eye, but if you keep starring at it you relieze that it is a sink. I find this artwork very cool

  24. I looked at this picture for like 2 seconds and thought it was a eyeball. Then I looked at it for about 5 seconds and realized that it was a sink with bubbles! Thats crazy how it can look like a eyeball when its just a sink and bubbles. This is really cool, I would of never thought of something like this.

  25. this reminds me of a toilet flushing. it spins in a circle just like a toilet. i have a tiolet at my house. well actually i have two. i have one upstairs and one downsatirs. they have heated seats so your butt doesnt get cold. i like them.

  26. this is crazy kool. i bet the person who took this picture was was really excited to see an eye in his sink

  27. that looks cool. its adrain. very cool

  28. the first time i saw it i was like what is the big deal it is just anothe picture of another persons eye. at a second glance it like wow that is definatly not an eye it is a sink that looks like an eye.

  29. i saw the water disapperaning so i knew it wasnt an eye at first. but i can see how it looks like both. i can only imagine how often the photographer carries around their camera.

  30. At first I saw an eye, but after looking at it a little longer, I saw that it was water going down a drain. You'd have to have the right skills to catch a picture like this.

  31. At first I saw an eye, but when I looked closer I saw the sink and the soap going down the drain. This would take a lot of skill to know exactly when or how to take the picture.

  32. At first I saw the eye then I looked at it closer and saw that it was a sink drain with soap and water going down it. The photographer would have had to plan it out and was lucky he took it when he did.

  33. That looks really cool, but all I can imagine looking at it is a bunch of soap water going into somebody's eye and how painful that would be.

  34. It looked like an eye of an animal or something. When I looked a little closer they have a hurrican or something in the centure of the eye. It is a very creative work of art.

  35. at first when i looked at it i saw an eye. After i took a harder look at it i realized that it was a sink drain. this is very cool and can trick a lot of people

  36. This is honestly one of the coolest things I have seen. It would take perfect timing to get a picture like that. It looks like an eye right away, but after looking at it for a while you can tell what it is.

  37. I had to look at this a very long time to realize that it was a drain and not an eye. This is an interesting idea. It's funny how sometimes ordinary things, like a tree for example, can have eyes imprinted in the bark. It's kind of creepy really, because it makes it seem like you are always being watched.

  38. This is really cool how small it is. It is really creative and I wonder how long took to make it. I would like to do something like this.

  39. This is really cool.This would be hard to do. I wonder how long it took to do this. I would like to try this but not as a grade.

  40. Timing, the timing. The illusion in this picture is awesome. I wonder how many times they tried to get this picture and how many photos they took.

  41. I like this art piece. It probably took time to get that exact picture the way it looks. It is very cool.

  42. I don't think I would ever be able to actually execute something like this. It seems like a simple concept but if you are off when taking the picture it will never look right and that is very cool.
