Monday, January 28, 2013

Tree of life art

I am always a fan of art that surprises me.  So when I came across this picture on pinterest I loved how I thought it was a print of tree rings, but then when it shows a close up it is something completely different.

I love how the animals interact but never touch.  What else can you see about this work of art?  What surprises you?


  1. I think this art is amazing! It would take a long time to do this but it would be well worth it.

  2. Making all the small details would make it difficult, but when it would be all finished, it would be well worth it. I would spend my money on this art.

  3. i think this art is amesome, but looks very difficult and i dont know if i can do that

  4. this art is really cool.i think if i was good at drawing i would try something like this. im sure it would take a lot of time though.

  5. This would take an extreme amount of paitience. I would probably get bored after only a few minutes. It has a beautiful finishing proudct.

  6. This is so cool. This just amazes me of how tiny he made these yet they still look like the animal. Also the fact that there not touching this must have taken forever. This is so cool.

  7. This is very cool. I like how the detail is in the tree. This has a very good eye for detail in this picture.

  8. This looks like its a pain. This person must have a lot of free time. Please don't make us do this.

  9. This looks like it would be very hard to do. I would not like to do it for that reason alone. It is pretty cool though. I like how they put the animals in there and took the time to do all of those details.

  10. i honestly though that this would be some kind of borind copy paste art blog but its really cool. rings in a tree

  11. These people obviously have too much time on their hands. Idont have the patients to do it. but its cool and stuff.

  12. this is really wierd how he makes these things out of animals. it is really cool and i could do better than him.

  13. This is really cool. I wouldnt have the time to do every little line or drawing in it though. I hope I would never have to do this in art class.

  14. crazy stuff here. o man hes got some elephants drawn into make it look like a tree, he got paid to do this so let him keep drawing and making art. hes got to make a living some how.

  15. That's cool i really like this picture. it's always cool when people hide pictures inside of pictures. this is really creative

  16. This is pretty creative. I like how they put these animals to make it look that way. I looks like it would be really hard and time consuming but its cool

  17. thats so cool and i love how it is animal

  18. I love this because of the thought being put in to this. Why did he choose to use animals? and why a tree trunk? The animals not touching also surprises me.

  19. It is cool. But just think how long that would take. why is it a tree trunk? i can not believe that any of the animals touch.

  20. that is awesome. that would take alot of time. there is no way i could ever draw animals that small.

  21. This is very cool. It is different. I don't know if I could do that.

  22. I beg to differ. One of them looks like they're touching.From far away, it looks like the top of a tree trunk. All the animals are really small, then you see this giant bird that takes up a few rows.

  23. This would be so time consuming. I would not be able to the patients for this.

  24. This is awesome!! Yeah its a lot of time consuming, but its worth it. I love it.

  25. this is very interesting but not very much fun to do.

  26. this is really kool, he must of had a lot of time to do this.

  27. this is cool. how is it done. i would to do that

  28. This is a really awesome idea i would do this for a project. It would take a while and alot of patiencce but i could probably do it. I think it is really creative and interesting.

  29. That art work would take a huge amount of skill and patience. Although it is a very cool idea, I don't believe that I would be able to do it. It is surprising that someone can even make something look just like a tree but make it will very small different pictures.

  30. This would take a lot of patience. You would have to change your perspective from the smaller pictures of the animals to the larger picture of the tree. I would definitely not have enough patience to do something like this.

  31. This would take a long time to do. But I think that it would be a very nice work of art to have in your house. When I first looked at this, I thought that it was a fingerprint.

  32. I think this is really cool! I think the coolest thing about it is how they have a different animal every time and how close they get. The only thing i dont get is what the picture is suppose to be of! But all in all really cool.

  33. how every animal is the perfect size for thee tree and how he made the trees have rings like the normal do and getting mostly every animal in the tree

  34. This is a really cool piece of art it would be difficult to do.

  35. This is very interesting, they put a lot of detail into it. It is life made of life.

  36. I dont get the point of doing this kind of a project. I looks like it would be a waste of time. This would also be hard to figure out how everything fits.

  37. very cool....I like it but it looks so hard

  38. This looks super cool. I can't imagine me trying this though. I would have to do this on a smaller scale.

  39. Until I glanced at the second image I didn't know that those were animals. I was truly shocked to see that especially because the artist created another image out of them. It looks very meticulous and time consuming

  40. This is really cool.This would be hard to do. I wonder how long it took to do this. I would like to try this but not as a grade.

  41. This is really cool.This would be hard to do. I wonder how long it took to do this. I would like to try this but not as a grade.

  42. This is super cool! I love detailed this piece is, you just know that someone took so much time to make this. I wish i had the skill and patience to do this.

  43. I really like this one. it looks really hard to make but If i was good at drawing then i would probably try making it.
