Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Food art

I know I have shown you some art like this before, but it always amazes me.  This time someone took famous works of art and used food to recreate the work of art.  I think I am amazed more by the patience it would take to recreate a work of art in this style.

Mona Lisa in Pasta

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Van gogh in flowers

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Van gogh in vegetables

Maybe I am the only one amazed.  Do they amaze you?  Can you think of another medium that would create an amazing work of art?


  1. This is really cool how they took a world famous painting and redid it using food! I would of never of thought to make art out of food I just eat it. I like this art Its unique and catches my attention!

  2. wow mona lisa pasta. i am speachless at how wastefull that is. cool but wastefull. there are itallians without pasta because of this. how does that make you feel. do you feel the guilt? do you? well do you?

  3. The Mona Lisa made out of pasta, its pretty cool. It must have took a long time to replicate the Mona Lisa, but make it out of pasta.

  4. i think that these are pretty cool. its pretty wastefull but the artist must be pretty creative for thinking about putting those foods together to make what he made.

  5. I think this would take a very long time to do. I personally don't find it to be that cool. It is not one of my favorites.

  6. This is cool. I like how she is made of pasta noodles. I wouldn't spend my time doing it though.

  7. I like this cause food is involved. I wouldn't like to make this cause it wouldn't last long. Its pretty cool how its made though

  8. I like this cause food is involved. I wouldn't like to make this cause it wouldn't last long. Its pretty cool how its made though

  9. there is no way that is all vegies. i have never seen or herd of a light blue anything. it is cool but i dont think it is 100% food.

  10. I think it is neat that people decided to do this. You can tell they put a lot of work into it.

  11. Whoever did this is very talented. And most definetly has a big imagination to do this. The process in using food to make this must have taken alot of time and patients.

  12. This is really cool! I think that this would be hard and very time consuming.

  13. i think this is really cool, how they even had they the same kind of foods with is, like spagetty with spagetty and floweres with flowers.

  14. This is really cool. I like how this shows that art isnt only drawing, its also making something out of something else.

  15. i like how they make pictuers out of normal objects

  16. This is cool how they make it look like the actual Mona Lisa. You kind of have to take a second look at it to make sure it isnt. It would be hard to think of all the foods to use.

  17. they are cool. they would go bad in a few days wouldent you think. they would be cool will they lasted.

  18. this one is alright it not that cool though. this would be a lot of money gone to waist for all that food.

  19. It's creative and seems like a lot of work to do. I would prolly not buy a picture thats just a bunch of food, but it is still beautiful.

  20. I think this art is really good it just makes me hungry tho. I could probably accomplish this.

  21. I personally think this art is not one of my favorites, but its kind of creative

  22. its pretty creative but it would take lots of time. i dont know why someone would want to use their time on this. but, i think it looks neat

  23. It looks really creative. I dont think I could make it though, i dont have the patience. It concerns me how some people have so much time on their hands.

  24. This looks like it would be very time consuming. I would not have the patients to take the time to get this much detail in. But its cool though.

  25. mona lisa in food form looks stupid.i would never want to do this in my lifetime except when i eat spagetti O's.

  26. This look creative but i don't really like it. They need to not change designs of a famous painting and just leave it alone

  27. that loks really good i wonder how many people would want to eat that

  28. I feel like i've seen this before. It's cool and all, but i think "food art" is very overrated. Lets try maybe using other objects to use for making a picture.

  29. food art....makes me hungry but its good art if you know what it is if its made out of food

  30. honestly thats gross. However, i admire the time it would take them to produce such detail.

  31. Actually, i don't really like it.

  32. I don't really like it. I think its a waste of food and it makes me hungry.

  33. these are kool but it probably stuck after awhile.

  34. this is really cool. i think its similar to the other food ones. all the food ones impress me. i would like to try it, and it looks really hard.

  35. This is a waste of perfectly good pasta.

  36. I don't think I could do this because I don't like touching food. But props to whoever made this because it is very interesting and they'd have to be talented.

  37. Well this is a waste of food and a waste of time. I would never have the patience to do that, and I would never want to do that.

  38. this is really cool. although i think i would end up eating the food. although they do look cool.

  39. This is really cool. This is also a waste of food. Who would do that to food? I would not have the patience to do that.

  40. i think this is a waste of food, think of the homeless people in the world who are dying for some food. i think the idea is cool but in a different mdium

  41. I think this really cool and is a really good idea. I think there would be lots of other foods that would work good for this too. I think it would take me lots of time to make it though

  42. This is really cool.This would be hard to do. I wonder how long it took to do this. I would like to try this but not as a grade.
