Monday, January 14, 2013

Poe Art

On this day in hisotry Edgar Allan poe was born.  Poe was an artist with words, and even though some of his works could be considered controversial and often confusing, he made us think.  And any artist that makes you think is a great artist in my book.

Can you name the poem that the following work of art was based on?

Can you name this other famous story by Poe?

Poe inspired dark works of art.  Can you name the two works?


  1. This is pretty dark. It looks scary sometimes. with the black colors, skelatons, and black birds. Pretty interesting really. I don't understand some of it but a lot of people probably like it.

  2. Edgar Allan Poe writes some pretty dark poetry. The raven that is made up of the words "never more" is from the poem The Raven. The second picture Im not sure what poem that is from!

  3. This is totally different art that i would never think of doing but there is some really nice shadding in it.

  4. meh. i really like poes stories but these arnt that great.

  5. these pictures really do catch my attention i like the crow one how it says 'never more'

  6. I think this is neat. It's nice to see something different on here. You should post more of this kind of art.

  7. I think this is cool. Its really hard to do. I wish I could be as good as these people that draw these.

  8. This is very unique. It's different, and cool. But it does look complicated

  9. I like the these two pieces of art that poe has inspired. Poe i think was a really great poem writer. I think its neat that inspired art work too.

  10. its cool how theres an object or animal built by words. its cool.

  11. these pictures catch your attention becuase they are alot different from others. very cool.

  12. This is pretty unique. Has alot of shading that is added on both of the pictures. I thought it was really cool to have letters and make it into an object, person or animal.

  13. edgar allen poe was a very dark peotry writer. these art works are creepy becauseof all the dark colors. there is no way i could ever draw as good as these artists.

  14. this is kind of cool if you like poe's poems but if you dont then you probably wouldnt like it

  15. i like the detell in it, u really had to no what u wanted, its really cool what they did there

  16. I like the this art work. It is very dark. It is very different.

  17. These are just flat out wierd. But Poe was also a wierd guy so it makes sense.

  18. i love how they thought about this. i cant name them but i have heard about them and read them. the one with the guy in the floor kinda freaked me out.. poe is a freaky person.. so ya..

  19. I like how the took a famous poet and then made took his poems and made it into art that you can see and stuff.

  20. The Raven and Tell tale heart. Poe was a really dark person but its interesting how the artists took the essence of his poems and put them into an image.

  21. The first one was the Raven and the second one is the Tell Tale Heart. Edgar Allen Poe was a very dark writer.

  22. This is totally different art that i would never think of doing but there is some really nice shadding in it

  23. I dont know if I really like this. Its almost too dark and scary. The shading is really detailed in this picture though.

  24. i dont know if this is the right art that i would do cuz of how dark its is

  25. this art looks simple and easy. I would be able to accomplish this it would just take time.

  26. Dark work means alot of shading. Im not that well at shading but when its done right, it is so pretty.

  27. i love some of Poes work even thought alot of them are kinda sad i still think that they are cool. Also i think its cool how his work inspired other peopel even though its "dark" some people can relate and understand his work.

  28. Poe's art scares me. Poe's art is questionable just like his poems. I dont like how they dont have any color.

  29. this is pretty neat. the way they put words together to make a animal is really neat. this couldn't be neater.

  30. i mean yeah hes a poet but there making art on it. i hunt and fish, i dont see people drawing me hunting and fishing so its not fair. they probably got paid to do this so let it happen.

  31. thats really creepy and dark i somewhat like the way he did that

  32. I love the first one, i seen a shirt with that picture on it, and i thought about getting it. Edgar Allan Poe is getting a lot of attention nowadays. He really made history, and he deserves as much attention as any one could give him.

  33. this is spooky. poe is a good port. i wish we did this

  34. The first one is the Raven byut i don't know about the second one.

  35. these are kool works of art but i dont think i would ever do them and idk who made them either.

  36. These pictures are so dark and sad looking. He must have been a depressed person.

  37. I'm kind of a big fan of Edgar, and to see his stories transform into artwork is just amazing. The Raven and The Tell Tale Heart are the stories.

  38. these pictures are kind of depressing. not really a fan of these. kind of creepy

  39. the tell tale heart and the raven. this is dark and mysterious. i think it is intresting

  40. This is really cool.This would be hard to do. I wonder how long it took to do this. I would like to try this but not as a grade.

  41. I've always thought it is really cool when someone takes something as simple as a word and makes it into a piece of art. It's kind of simple but very creative. Would love to make something like this!
