Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Yesterday seven famous works of art were stolen from a Dutch art Museum.  Police are currently looking at friends and family of the museum employees since the heist went so smoothly.  They are positive that it was an inside job.

The thiefs got away with a Picasso, two Monet's, a Matisse and a Gauguin.  The estimated value of these seven paintings is in the 10s of millions which makes it one of the biggest heists in recent years.

To read more about the theft go to

Claude Monet2 Picasso, Monets paintings stolen in Dutch heist  


  1. these paintings are very interesting they look weird.

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  4. the paint brings the color out on these pictures it really makes them look good. the bridge was a good idea nobody really ever paints something like that

  5. The color is really pretty in this picture. It looks like its a little faded, but it makes it pretty unique

  6. These paintings are cool, but they are also plain in a way. Who ever stole them just liked them because of how much they were and a famous painter painted them. They are really stupid for stealing these paintings.

  7. I don't understand this art. It is a little different. I am not a fan of this artist, but everyone sees art in different ways.

  8. Its crazy how much this art is worth. i dont see anything special about it? i dont think its nice art.

  9. They don't look that good and they are worth so much it is crazy. Paying for the name more than the art.

  10. I think this art is different. I also have to agree i could not do any better but with a little of practice and time i think i could accomplish this art.

  11. This is hard to look at. It is just faded and difficult to see. This would be better if it was painted better

  12. these paintings are very interesting. its kind of hard to tell what some of them are. it also confuses me alittle. But at the same time, its really creative.

  13. These painting look really sloppy. I dont like them very much.

  14. I dont really like this kind of art. It doesnt catch my attention at all!

  15. it looks like a seven year old made these but they still are pretty cool.

  16. It is very interesting. its kind hard to tell what it is. it looks like alot of colors.

  17. This art is very intersting. It isnt my favorite but its still pretty cool.

  18. the art is different, definatly not how people think of art now a days.

  19. you know, these arent really the artists best works but its definantly crazy at how much something by one person can be worth. i really think that art can sometimes be way to expensive and that whoever took these had spent alot of time thinking and planning this out.
