Sunday, October 21, 2012

Max Zorn

I found this artist named Max Zorn that uses only brown packaging tape, clear plastic and lights.  He places the tape in layers on top of the clear plastic and then uses lights behind the whole project to backlight the piece.  So the areas with less tape become lighter and the areas with more tape become darker.

What do you think of this type of art?  Would you have the time or patience to create this art?  Can you think of other types of mediums that this style would work with?


  1. this type of art is one ive never heard of. i think it is really cool. i would have never in my life though of something like this.

  2. I think that this is really cool. I never would of thought that he would only use brown packageing tape. I would not have the patience to make this.

  3. This art is really cool. I don't think I would have enough patience to finish this. I never would have thought of doing this.

  4. Now this is the kind of art i lke cuz u can use any shape and make it in a beautiful picture

  5. i have never heard of something like this. i think it is very interesting. im sure this takes a lot of time to make though.

  6. now this would take alot of time, i'd would most definatly like to do this. but using that much tape might take my fingers off.

  7. i think this is very original.. the scenes seem like they would take alot of time to make, but they are very interesting and oddly eye catching.

  8. I have never seen nothing like this, it's awesome how you can make this things just with brown packaging tape and some light. I really want to watch a video to see how he make this.

  9. I never would of though using tape and some lights would turn into amazing art! I would never be able to do this myself.

  10. my favorite piece is the city going day to night. it captures everything in each side. it even has the lights in the dark. the shading and the colors are also really good.
