Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Glass Mosiacs

One of the oldest forms of art has been making a comeback in the art world.  More people and especially home artists are creating glass mosiacs that they can use in their homes or in their gardens.

They use tiny pieces of glass or colored stone to create these masterpieces.  So the smaller the pieces and the closer that they are put together, the more detailed the project.

As you can see some are small and some can cover whole walls.  Would you like to do a mosiac?  What would you cover, a small table or a whole wall?


  1. This is pretty cool. I would like to do a mosiac, but i dont think that i would have the time and effort to put into it. i would probally cover a small table, so i wouldnt have to do a lot.

  2. i really like any project that has to do with glass. it turns out nice no matter what you make out of it. these sure would take a lot of time. it would be cool to make

  3. i really like this project. its really cool that you can take glass and make it look like something. would take a lot of times, but be fun to do.

  4. i would like to try and do this, but im pretty sure id keep cutting cut up from the glass so it wouldn't nd pretty. Also i don't think id be able to get all those deatails. Another thind id probebly make it on a wall that way no one would eat off it and alot more people would see it.

  5. If you want a mosiac to turn out nicely, it will take a lot of time and patience. I would rather do a mosiac on a wall because it is more area to work with for details. People who make mosiacs as beautiful as the ones in the pictures have probably spent a lot of time perfecting and practicing.

  6. This is realy cool. I would love to try this. But i don't have the patience to make this. Also i would probally mess up the small deatails.

  7. these are amazing. i have always wanted to try and do this! its very interesting on what people come up with to do that. i would love to do this as a project in art!

  8. i have always thought mosaics are beautiful. i think it would take tons of time and patience to make these but if you do it right it would definantly be worth all the work.

  9. Awesome, this is just awesome! This is one of my favourite kind of art. I really want to try to do one. I love the way you just break the glass and make a picture.

  10. Cutting all those glass pieces and finding the right piece to place in a certain spot would get irritating, but they are beautiful art work.

  11. I think it looks nice but would be hard to do. I wouldnt want to just because art isnt my strong suit and i dont have the dedication as others. If i had to i would pick the small table because its not as much work. But still it looks nice when others who care about it work on it.

  12. I particularly like the first and the last because the lines flow and aren't blocky. I like the ballerina the best because the designs are intricate and the ballerina looks realistic but not so much i cannot tell it apart from a photograph. I like the angels because it's detailed and seems to convey emotion.

  13. How do they get the tiles to look like real shapes??? That is very cool.

  14. these are really cool you can make pictures look really cool and bright.

  15. These are really cool, but I think it wouldn't have enough patience to do it. If we ever did do something like this I would rather do a smaller piece.

  16. These are awesome but if you have to cutt up a whole bunch of glass it has to be dangerous. You could cut you hand on the glass and it could be bad. But the actual proect looks amazing

  17. Id like to have these inside my house. I think people who make these are super patient and are skilled

  18. These are such beautiful works of art. I love how different pieces of glass can come together and form such beauty. I would love to make one of these sometime.

  19. I think a mosaic would be very exhausting. It looks like a lot of time and effort and i'm already a slow artist. Despite those cons the artwork is very beautiful so it might be cool to do a mosaic just for the pretty work

  20. This reminds me of the Futurama episode where Bender uses mosaics as a form of graffiti. Although I don't think that it is as easy as shown in the show.

  21. Mosaics seem to be extremely time consuming, but they are a very beautiful work of Art. If I were to create one of these, I would prefer a small table. Overall, they are truly exquisite!

  22. I think mosaics look really cool and I would like to do one. I think I would want to do an entire wall, but then downgrade to just a small table.

  23. These look really cool. I would never want to make one myself though because they look super time consuming. If I were to have a mosaic cover something of mine I would cover my closet doors since they are so plain.

  24. This looks so cool and beautiful. It looks like it would take a lot of time and patience to do, but it is definitely worth it because it looks amazing.

  25. I really like some mosaics but at the same time I don't like them. Most of the time it comes off as it being "too busy" and I like things more simpler.

  26. yes i think that i would do one of these. i would do a table because think that i could make it look better

  27. I love glass paintings because they looks so cartoonish. But when you get farther away it looks better and better. I think it looks really hard to do and time consuming.

  28. This looks really cool. I like how they used old glass pieces the make them. This is something I would love the try.

  29. think it looks nice, but would be hard to do. I don't think I would do one of these. I think this would take a little too much creativity for me to be able to do.

  30. I think this would be super cool to do, but would also be very time consuming. Super cool though!

  31. I think that these look very cool but i dont think i could do one because it would take to much time. It would also take alot at patience and i dont think i have that

  32. I think mosiacs are pretty neat. It would be a fun project to do.


  33. This is pretty cool. I would like to do a mosaic, but i don't think that i would have the time and effort to put into it. i would probably cover a small table, so i wouldn't have to do a lot.

  34. This is really cool! I would love doing something like this. Maybe not a whole wall though. The amount of detail is incredible in the really big pieces and it beautiful.

  35. I think these are so cool. If I were to do this I would make it on the table top.It would take so much time.

  36. I like this art a lot because it looks like it is make out of tiles and it makes it look really cool. I like all of the color schemes and how it looks really cool

  37. This art looks really awesome and pretty. You can really see the details. It would take along time but it looks awesome.It catches your eyes when looking at it.

  38. The tile art looks cool. it is also pretty. it must've taken awhile to do

  39. this art is using many little peace's of colored glass as its medium. I like the angel one the best it just gives me a strong feeling of being in a church. While the other one makes me feel as if I were in an animated world the night one with the tower.

  40. These are really cool pieces and they look like a lot of fun to do. I like the small pieces. It could be cool to do whole wall depending on what you do
