Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tricks of the light

Some of the most fun you can have is at night with a camera and a glow stick or lightbulb.  You can create fun and unique works of art with the simplest things.

So is this type of photography art?  Is it something you would be willing to create or even buy?  What do you think would work as the best type of light source?


  1. I think is very pretty. It would be fun to make. Its avery unique type of art.

  2. I think that this art is really cool. I think that this is a very unique way to do art. I like this, its really pretty.

  3. it is pretty cool. it would be fun to make it. love the colors.

  4. I like this. It is pretty cool. I would want to try this. The lights make it stick out.

  5. Its really cool how they got the light to make objects. You would have to be really quick. It would be hard to do in Art I though.

  6. I am a fan of this art work. Its very cool and uses some very intersting colors.

  7. I think this photography is really interesting. i think it would be cool to try something like this. i really like how it turns out to be.

  8. I think it is photography art and not at the sametime. It should be it own art not Photography art but it is that art. I would try it and it would be very hard. Different colored lights would be good to use that is what I think would be good.

  9. i think its really cool. definatly hard to do from the looks of it.It uses cool color, and shows that some of the smallest things can make something interesting.

  10. This is really awesome and i would love to try it. I wonder how hard it was to take the picture. Also i love all the colors they're very pretty.

  11. This is really cool and I would love to try it. It looks pretty hard to light it up. The colors are really cool

  12. This art is sweet. I think it'd be fun to do but also very challenging at the same time. also would take lots of time to create.

  13. This is awesome. All the colors are pretty. i think it is art, and i would try to make it.

  14. this is the one piece of art that really caught my eye. this is absolutely amazing! this would be awesome to try. but it would be very time consuming!!

  15. This is awesome! I have tried doing this before with a camera and a long shutter but it was an epic failure. ha

  16. I really like this type of art. The colors they used are really pretty! This kind of art is super creative. I would like to try this art, if I had more free time.

  17. this is really good all the lights put together make one really cool design i really like this idea

  18. this looks like it would be so fun to do! i think that its really eye catching and its amazing what adding a little light to pictures can do. this is a really creative way of making photography more interesting instead of looking at normal pictures.

  19. That is really awesome. I like how it creates a lightening effect. It adds a realy neat look that is pretty neat.

  20. the bright lights really make it look cool and the way it glows looks perfect in the dark background.

  21. This is really interesting and awesome. It would so fun to try to make it.

  22. i would love to know how to make this! i find the top on the most interesting. i would be rather scared if i was on the street and saw a glowing shpere.

  23. I've done this type of art before. It's where you hold a glowing ball and move it around but the shudder speed has to be really slow. When the shudder snaps, you have your car frame or somesuch.

  24. I think this is really cool. It is neat and makes you realize all the bright colors. It would be fun to try this sometime.

  25. These pieces of art look really coo. I think is a bright piece of art, the top one is my personal favorite. I think it would be challenging to take the picture at the right time. I think this would be a fun project to try, but it would take a lot of lights.

  26. these are cool, but it would take a lot of time to do this and a lot of lights. Although these would be fun to do.

  27. These are awesome, you can create these with anything that will glow or creat light. This wold be fun to take a picture like this.

  28. I loooove these pictures. i still don't understand how they get the lights to be like that. I would probably buy it

  29. thats accutly really cool. did they use lights to make these or no? either way i think its cool

  30. This is a whole new way of art. It is a real way. I love it. It's loud and eye catching! I would definitely buy one of these pieces to brighten up my room a bit, if i had the money anyway. Although i have no clue how these artist even created this.

  31. These are very neat. I think it be cool to deck out a car with lights.

  32. It's definitely an eye catcher! How about creating these images with sparklers or glow sticks? Wouldn't mind buying a few of them either

  33. I have actually taken pictures like this on my moms camera. they turned out pretty cool. I would like to learn how to take these pictures though.

  34. it is cool that the artist can make everything shine and pop out using the lights. it has to take a lot of time to get that done and make it look good

  35. This art is really neat. The bright lights make it really cool and make it stand out. It looks like it would be really hard to make to.

  36. Wow!!! This art looks so amazing. It is super neat, and it's really cool how they can make it look so amazing by just adding lights.

  37. This is really mind blowing. I can't even think as to how they made this kind of art. It's super neat

  38. These look so awesome. If I were to do this I would probably use glow sticks and their ink. Honestly I would never buy one though because they seem to take up a lot of space, which I don't have. I think it would be cool to see one in person though.

  39. I would do some thing like this because it looks cool. I think i would buy one but they might be expensive. I would hang one up in my room just for decorations

  40. These look pretty cool. It would be a fun project to do because it is something different and new.

  41. I think this is very interesting. Having to be able to use the lights in a creative way is really cool. I really would love to be able to do this

  42. this art is a really trippy,but it looks nice. i really like the first one, i like how it is a ball. the one with the person in it looks nice, i like the lights.

  43. I really like this kind of art a lot. It looks really cool in the dark. I would like to try to do this art sometime this year. The bright lights make it really stand out.

  44. I think those pictures are really cool. It would be a fun project to do because it is something different and new.
    The lights put together make one really cool design i really like this idea

  45. I can only see the last image, but it looks really cool. I love how it looks like an explosion of light. It's so cool.

  46. I would do something like this because it looks cool. I think I would buy one but they might be expensive. I would hang one up in my room.

  47. this art is definitely interesting because of the fact that there taking a picture of light and making it into something magical. like a presence or an energy. This energy I'm perceiving as a positive one from this light.

  48. This is really interesting. I love the creativity in it. It wold be fun to figure out how they made it, and just to mkae it and do many attempts

  49. this looks really cool. I would definitely try this. If i could even figure out how to do it . I like the colors

  50. this looks really cool. I have seen people do this with sparklers and i have always wanted to try it. Maybe someday ill try it myself.
