Friday, October 12, 2012

The hidden

Some of my favorite types of art are the ones where there are hidden objects in the paintings.  Sometimes they are very obvious and sometimes they are harder to find.

So what is the first thing you see in these images?   Did you eventually find the other object or objects?


  1. I really love this type of art, it looks really relistic and the fact that they form animals or people into different objects. I love this kind of art. i especially love the old man that has this guy riding a horse in his face. This art is crafty and talented.

  2. I really like the one with the skull. At first i didnt even notice the person making the skulls jaw. Its very unique and impressive

  3. i like it how the art has two obejct in the pictures

  4. This art is pretty cool, I like how its all just one picture but actually it's two. The skull one is really cool im not really into skulls but its still cool. The second picture though i dont really see two pictures I just see one. The horse one is my favorite I like how it has a face between the horses. Its really creative, I havent seen any pictures like these.

  5. I like this art a lot. It is really neat how everything looks and how it is hidden. Also the cool part of it is that there can be 4 pictures in one.

  6. i love the hidden objects or hidden views. the one with the old man being a horse is the coolest . it really plays tricks on your mind.

  7. These things are pretty interesting. i like to try and find all of the hidden things in these pictures. The one with the scull is pretty neat I think.

  8. I dont know how they came up with how it all flows together to create many pictures. That would take some serious thinking. The skull is the best in my opinion.

  9. I love this type of art. It is so cool how they can just randomly think of this and make it look just perfect. I like the ones where they make you work to find the hidden picture.

  10. I think the obtacle illusions are well thought out. The amount of time the artist put into the work shows that they care very much.

  11. i like the hidden objects that are in the pictures. its really creative to put something and to think of something like this. if i were to make something like this, i would get confused and very fustrated.

  12. i like how they have 2 objects blended into one object. pretty crazy how it is like that, i would try it but i know how it would turn out it would be bad. either way they make alot so let them keep doing it.

  13. This art is pretty cool. I like how they can fit different pictues into other pictures. I wish i could do this kind of art!

  14. I really enjoy looking at these pictures. Seeing two different scenes in one picture is coooooooooooooooool

  15. I think it is pretty cool how the can hide pictures inside of their art work. Some of them were way to noticable. This is something i couldnt do.

  16. these pictures arev very interesting and awesome i wish i could do that

  17. These pictures are fun to look at. I wanna make something like these ones.

  18. These are interesting to see. They are all shaped around horses. THis is very impressive. I can see the artist through the painting.

  19. These are very creative allusions. I imagine that they take time but these would still be very fun to do

  20. I think this art is very good. I think this art can inspire someone to make art with objects that like like something else. This is really neat!

  21. I like how with these pictures there is a main theme and then like three or four smaller themes that go with the picture

  22. That is awesome. the first thing i usually saw was what the whole picture that was made. then i see all the parts that make up the picture. i dont think i could ever do that.

  23. This is really intersting. It would take alot of skill to do this. Its confusing but its cool to look at what its made ouit of.

  24. its definatly thought out, i would do this. It'd be really fun too. My favorite one is probably the skull one cause its different

  25. the first things i saw were the skeleton, the old man, and the woman. but right away i could see the hidden objects. i think that these are definantly something that are really cool and sometimes its hard to focus in on whats suppost to pop out.

  26. The first thing I saw was the faces then when I looked harder and saw the other objects. My favorite one is the old guy, which is really a guy on a horse. I think this project would a fun project to do.

  27. I see faces or skulls, these are amazing so much fun to create. I wish i could be this artistic, but i am not.

  28. in the first picture i saw a skull but then it was a woman! its amazing how artists can create illusions

  29. These are so amazing. I love how you see one thing at first but then they change into another image. This would be such a fun project to try and do!

  30. I saw the face the horse and the skull. These are very interesting and the face is my favorite. it's so pretty to look at.

  31. Upon first glance I notice the images that are being made, not what is making them. Looking back at them I see the details that tie the piece together. Truly amazing how the artist creates this illusion

  32. Wow the first time I looked at this i was confused because I didnt know what to look for.

  33. I really enjoy how there are two works of art in one. There are two perspectives and it's cool to think that not everything is always as it seems

  34. The first thing I seen when I looked at these images were people. I soon realized the other perspectives though. I like looking at art that is like an optical illusion.

  35. At the first look I notice the images that are being made, not what is making them. Looking at them I see the details that they piece together. Truly amazing how the artist creates these illusions.

  36. I like the one in the middle a lot. I kept looking at it and at first all i saw was an old grandpa. Then I saw the river and the horse. I also like the girl with the horses on each side.

  37. I really love the skull one. That one is probably my favorite. I don't know what it is, but it is just so mysterious. I love it!

  38. I like pictures where there are two images in one. I see both of the images. My favorite out of these three is the old man and person on a horse one.

  39. I saw both images pretty much immediately. I really like these pictures, and I feel like this could be used to portray deeper messages about life
