Monday, September 24, 2012

The unseen

In art we always want to draw and paint what we see, but sometimes it is the unseen that can be enchanting. 

The above piece is called "Grace's Love" by Pomm.  Perhaps you will disagree with me, but I love the hidden tree in this watercolor paintings.  I think it adds mystery and beauty to an otherwise boring piece, but what do you think?  Would you have left it out or would you make another change?


  1. This art is really good. It looks just like one of my neighbors homes. If i tried drawing this id fail but this art is awesome!

  2. This painting is really pretty, I like how its enchanting. Personally thought its not my style of painting, this is pretty but its not exciting or anything. I would keep the tree in because without the tree it would be even more of a borring painting

  3. that is a really neat painting. i hope no one runs through it and ruins it. they always make stuff like that and ruin it right away. that is because they don't think it is good enough.

  4. that is a really neat painting. i hope no one runs through it and ruins it. they always make stuff like that and ruin it right away. that is because they don't think it is good enough.

  5. The painting is pretty. I like the effect that the hidden tree has on the image. I would definatly leave it in. THe choice of colors really gives it a carefree fun mood.

  6. I don't really like this painting. I preffer to draw what I see.

  7. I like this painting. I think the hidden tree makes the painting unique.

  8. this is not horrible. but to reiderate i dont like art, at all

  9. i like the tree alot without it though i still think the painting is cool. but the tree adds uniqueness

  10. This is a cool piece of art. i really like the "hidden" tree. also this just looks like a peaceful place. this is nice piece of art.

  11. This painting seems rather boring to me. I really like the idea of the tree's shadow, but i think the way it was presented on that scene made it not as interesting as it could have been. Not very eye catching in my opinion.

  12. thats really cool and pretty. I dont really get it though.

  13. I personally think that the tree's shadow adds more detail to the painting. But at the same time i think it draws away from the main part of the painting, and then most focus is drawn to the shadow. In my opinion i kinda think that this is a boring painting.

  14. I really like the style of this painting, the shadow adds something to it that just changes the whole aura of the picture.

  15. it looks likes its a shadow of a tree. thats very good shadding. its like a painting inside of a painting.

  16. this is cool. you see the shadow of a tree but it isnt there. i think this is pretty neat.

  17. i like the fact that you can kind of see the tree. this would be fun in class since third period loves watercolor so much i think we would enjoy it. looks very talented
