Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Changing your style


Many artists change their style as they advance in both career and age.  Some change because the world around them is changing and some change due to physical reasons.
Matisse started as a painter, but as old age affected his hands he began making cut outs out of colored paper and started a whole new movement in collage.

Chuck Close started out as a realistic portrait painter.

As you can see he loved to paint large images of realistic people.  Yes, that is a painting and not a photgraph.

But do to a car accident he had to change his style.  He still painted large portraits of people, but in a new way.

I wanted to show you these and show you that you too can change and evolve your style.  Don't feel like you have to do one thing because that is what is the only thing you know.  Branch out and try something new.  Is there something new in art that you would like to try? 


  1. This looks so cool. We should do a project like this one.

  2. looks really cool wish i had that ability

  3. This is pretty neat. If you just look at it you will like it. I would have trouble getting everything to fit that well and draw that realistically.

  4. My favorite painting is the painting of the child. The different colors that have been used is pretty amazing. its also amazing how to picture something like this in your head and actually painting it out. this must have taken alot of time and patients to do.

  5. My favorite is most definetly the potrait of the man. I think its really cool how they make it look that way!we should do it in art 1!

  6. a note on the realistic painting: it's called photorealistic and it's pretty fantastic what people do!

  7. i honestly dont like this picture all that much. i think how they did it was pretty cool though.

  8. This art is pretty cool. The way they do it is pretty neat. I think its cool how people always find ways to stay active in art.

  9. this is good to look at but i dont like it to much

  10. the bottom portrait would be very hard to do. it would take a lot of time to do that. this person had way to much time on his hands.

  11. there very cool paintings. i wish i could paint that well. i wonder who painted that.

  12. this type of art is kinda cool i guess. i would never do this because i dont have the talent to do so. even so, i still think this is neat.

  13. this is very cool. Also i think its cool how even though he got into a car accident and couldnt paint the same he still found a way around it and did what he loved to do. If i were to try something new i would love to learn how to paint a landscape like water or forest something where you us the diffrent shadding of colors and there is multipul color, something colorful.

  14. This looks super cool, we are doing this right now and it is one of my favorite projects.

  15. These paintings look very cool. This painting that is of a person that looks distorted looks really cool. It's sad that he got into a car accident but look what came out of it.

  16. I think that they both look amazing. It's nice to see that even though he had an accident and it changed his life he didn't give up his passion for art, instead he just changed it. I think both of the things he did were equally impressive and I can't imagine having to relearn and do something entirely different.

  17. This looks real weird. I would not see myself making one of these. It looks like it took a very long time.

  18. Wow this looks really cool, but it looks super hard to make. I don't think I would be able to make this. I probably wouldn't even try to attempt it.

  19. I really like it how he still continued to do the thing he loved when at times he couldn't. He has made some really cool things and they seem pretty hard.

  20. woah, that baby looks so awesome. I really want to try something like this, but i feel like i would ruin it. The baby picture just captures my eye and i cant keep my eyes off of it.

  21. Were doing this project right now and i love it. This project was simple and fun to do. Just like his work looks like

  22. It looks like a perfectly put together quilt. Every piece is in the perfect spot. It is just a really cool technique.

  23. I wish I could do cool stuff like this it looks very well thought out

  24. he is very talented even after his accident. i think it would be fun to do something like this in class but a lot smaller than what he did
