Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Making art the message

What can you see when the message and the art go hand in hand.

If you could leave a message in a piece of book art what would you want to tell others?


  1. heh heh a book telling me to read. this is cool. i like unusual art.

  2. This is pretty cool to look at. I think its cool how they made the pages say something. This looks something that would take a lot of hard work

  3. looks cool but i wouldnt havve time to pull something like this off

  4. its cool becuase people/teachers usually tell you to read a book but this time, the book is telling you to read. i never would of thought of this. the creater is awesome.

  5. that is so cool i want to do that!!!

  6. This is a cool style of art. I would definitely not want to have to try and learn this in class. This is something that looks way to hard for me to do.

  7. This is really Good. Except that would take alot of time to do . And They must of had alot of time on there hands

  8. This is kinda cool. I think it would be something that could be difficult, but that would be a fun project to do.

  9. I lvoe the looks of this. It looks like it would be pretty simple, just really time consuming. I would make the word dream or hope. I like how the font is curvy and not just straight. It gives it a cool effect.

  10. I think this project would be a good logo for like a reading club or book sale. This is very inspiring for the reading subject. I love this picture it seems challenging and id love to try it although it would look nothing like this picture.

  11. i think it is a waste of a book. i also think it would take time. i honostly would rather make this then read tho just saying.

  12. i think this looks great but i think its a wast of a book i would rather read it, but thats me. i think it would be a great logo though. it looks like it would be really hard to do that proably why i would rather read it.

  13. This very creative and probably very time consuming. I think it take to long and to much effort to create but it's still awesome

  14. this is a very cool peice of art. i really like it. if i were to make this i would make it say HUBBS!

  15. That would make a great library sign. But it is a waste of a book, well, it depends on what book it was...

  16. i would love to leave a message in the book like this . first if all it gets the point across faster then having to read the whole book you would get the non-readers attention easier. But it dont think i could do it im not that good at getting my folds exact. Eventhough i can't get my folds exact i would still love to try this to be able to get peoples attention and get the point across

  17. thats awesome.
    thats looks hard to do.
    how many pages did that take?
    blog post for 9-24

  18. This is cool, but time consuming. I would would do the work kind because I think that everyone should be kind and respectful. I would liked to do this project, but I wouldn't have the patience to do it.

  19. This is really cool. I looks really hard though. I would enjoy doing this.

  20. This is cool but it would take tons of time to make. It would be really fun to make.

  21. It would be cool to get a book that has this done to it but i would ne er be able to do it myself.

  22. This would be really fun to make, and it would look awesome. It would just take me a very long time to make

  23. this looks cool. if books were more like this, i might read more often. i think this is really cool.

  24. that is so awesome! if i had to put any word in a book i would have a collection of books lined up saying my favorite quotes. i wonder how they get the book to stay like that, and what type of books they would have to use. (like hardcover or paper. or what type of paper. and size)

  25. This would be really fun and would take a lot of time, but when you got done it would look cool.

  26. I really would like to do this out of a book. It is so cool that they make it pop out of the book like that. I would do a Dr. Seuss book and totally engrave Dr. Seuss into it.

  27. I've seen people do this before a few times. I hope I get to make one and it turns out great. I like the art style and find it really attention catching.

  28. I've attempted to make one of these, and it did not look as I wanted it to. I love how others are able to make something out of just a simple book. That would mean having to destroy a book though

  29. I wouldn't want to do this to a book unless it was one I wouldn't read. This artwork is creative and interesting. This would be a good decoration for a classroom or a library though. I would make it say something like "imagine" or "escape".

  30. I think that this looks amazing. I wouldn't want to do this though because it would waste a book and it probably wouldn't turn out very well. If I did do this project though I would stick with the message read.

  31. I love art made out of books. Books have always been a big part of my life, so I feel like if I could make art out of one of my favorite books, it would truly be spectacular.

  32. This is real cool. I mean it takes something that only has one main use, and it turns it into a work of art. It looks really good I could not do it.

  33. Even though this art is really beautiful, I don't think it's worth ruining the book pages and getting papercuts.

  34. I really like this type of art. It would be really fun to do as a project sometime. I wonder how many pages it took it make this?

  35. These are really cool because you could really put some neat things in here. There are so many different things or words that could work and it would be even more cool if they were colored somehow.

  36. I think this is a really cool piece of art. I always thought art like this was interesting. I'm sure it was hard to make, it had to have taken hours upon hours.

  37. That would make a great library sign. But it is a waste of a book, well, it depends on what book it was.

  38. This is really cool. I would like to do this with a book rather than to read one

  39. I've actually seen a ton of these projects before and i thought it would be really cool to actually do. It seems very time assuming but the payout is well worth it

  40. I love this. I also love reading though. I have one in my room that says joy.

  41. I would like to make art out of a book. It looks like it is a lot of fun to do and I think it would be easy to do. I think we should try to do this this year.

  42. If you had book this would be a cool project. It would be challenging to bend the pages like that but it would be fun. I don't Think I would having to bend all the pages.

  43. I like this a lot. I feel like it would be really hard to be honest. I think it would be pretty fun to make this though.

  44. This is really cool and pretty. If I could make one, I would put the word faith in it. I feel like it would be hard to do.

  45. this is really cool. I would like to do this. It looks like it takes forever.

  46. these look really cool. i think this would be fun to do in class but it would be very time consuming. it would make a cool decorative peice
