Thursday, September 27, 2012

Bad Art

One of the most frequent questions I get asked is, "Is this art bad?"  Most of the time it is not that bad, and sometimes it is not that good.  But to my amazement I found out today that there is a MOBA  (Museum of Bad Art).  

 I was shocked and of course it caught my curiosity.  What could they possibly have that is that bad?  Well some of it, YES.

a work of art
Mama and Babe
a work of art
In the cat's mouth

a work of art
If you want to see more of this "bad" art here is the website

So before you ask again if your art is bad, think about these (especially mama and babe) and hopefully you have not crossed the line into "bad art".


  1. I think that this is bad because it ruins the picture. The peoples faces could of been cute, but now they are horible. and with the dog it looks scary.

  2. I think this is horrible because it isn't even precise or accurate on what they're trying to make. It's just weird. It needs more detail. A lot more detail.

  3. I would not say that it is all bad because the majority of it is better than what i usually draw. This is the type of museum that most of my art would be sent to. I think that it is pretty interesting that they have a museum for bad art.

  4. i dont consider any art bad unless someone just takes a pencil and lazily draws for a project they have to get done. the mama and baby only is "bad" because its weird coloring and the baby's face kinda looks alienized. the cat thing scared me a little but if you look at it its actually pretty good and creative. and the sloth dog thing just looks like a sad sloth that a artist drew up. the dog and the cat look like opposites summer and winter. :)

  5. I never would have guessed that there would be a museum for bad art. I think the mama and baby one would be better if the artist would have chosen better colors that compliment eachother, and if the faces were more face shaped instead of just looking like blobs. The cat one kind of reminds of cubism in a way because the lines are so defined. The dog is really bad because its body is facing to the side and then the face is facing the wrong way.

  6. I guess these are pretty cool, but it is somehow very creepy looking. I wouldn't say these are "bad" but it sure if different. But all together, it's a very cool style of art.

  7. I think this art is not very good. it looks odd. i would not ever try and paint something like this. the mama and babe one is very odd.

  8. this is is rather very odd. but i wouldnt say it is bad because it is just someones ideas they wanted to make art. they shouldnt be called bad. maybe these people put time into it, i personally wouldnt do this but some people like to, so let um. what ever they want to do let them do as long as they GIT R DONE.

  9. i think these are kind of creepy, they are kind of cool though, they remind me of elementary doodles. they add a creative twist on perspectives.

  10. i think they're cool in a way, but are very wierd. i wouldnt call it bad, but somthing that i couldnt do. and im guessing they put alot of time into making bad art?

  11. I like seeing bad art. I find it interesting though, not necessarily bad. My favorite is the first picture on the top.

  12. i like this art because it makes my art look better

  13. this is kind of wierd. this would be fun to do. the coloring is kind of off in my opinion. this person does not have that good of drawing skills in my opinion.

  14. even though this art is in the mesuam of bad art, it isnt bad. this art is very creative. it would take along time to make those.

  15. those are all colored by crayon it looks like to me. they are so cool and i couldn't make a crayon look that good. it is so wierd how people take that much time to do that stuff. it is awesome and things are so cool when they do that.

  16. it doesnt look like that bad of art to me. i cant paint that well. they are very colorful

  17. mama and babe is bad. it looks wierd and that is why i don't like it. but it is colorful

  18. In my mind no art is bad art you just have to look at it in a certain way. Yeah they may be un plesent at first, but mabey your to quik to judge mabey there's a meaning behind some of these it seams like there always is. So mabey you just have to look at these in a diffrent way to see the meaning or the true beatuy in it.

  19. Its my kinda art. Easy and sloppy. Dont gotta try very hard and still looks like art. Kind of a pointless museum but they can spend there money on whatever they want

  20. this is kinda creepy. its still pretty cool. i couldnt do it.

  21. I think this art is really good! it would take me awhile to do this but i would love to try it.

  22. The only thing that this art has is the colors. It has multiple colors but the picture itself is really bad. I don't know how people can even draw that bad. To make it more interesting, you would need to add more detail.

  23. I kinda think that this looks very weird. This kinda makes my art look good. I also think that its a waste of time.

  24. this are kind of creepy, but it makes me feel better that my art might be better than some other people's.

  25. This is kind of creepy, It looks like a little kid did this.

  26. i dont like this at all i think i am going to have nightmares now

  27. This is really creepy, it looks like a kindergartner did it. This makes me feel better about my drawings in art. This person should just give up on their art career. The only thing that good about this piece of art is that it uses good colors.

  28. This really creeps me out to be honest. I'm sorry, but i agree with it being "bad" art. I don't understand it at all.

  29. I don't like this. It looks really fake and childlike. It looks like they didn't put an effort towards it.

  30. I really like this. This is about the skill level of art I'm at right now. I especially love me and babe, so cool. I don't even know if I could even live up to these priceless artworks. Just kidding, they're trash.

  31. These seem kind of creepy and easy to make. I can imagine a child making these. I don't think these are necessarily bad, but they're not good neither.

  32. I think these pieces are unique, not bad. They do look kind of creepy. I thought the first one looked like the Annabelle doll from the Conjuring. These aren't bad at all and I feel like a Bob Ross quote should be in this so, "There are no mistakes, just happy little accidents."

  33. This is real bad. I could do better than that. I mean this is some bad art.

  34. Mama and Babe is astoundingly creepy. It is pretty bad, but I've seen worse. I think it is funny that they have a display dedicated to crappy art, but I wonder how that makes the artists feel.

  35. This honestly boosted my self esteem so much, because some of the artwork in this is just terrible. I now know if I'm feeling bad then I can just come and see these then, not feel so bad.

  36. Wow this makes some of my art works look really good. I do not know if they were do something while they were making these or what. The first one looks alright, but the other two are kind of ahhhh. Well now i feel pretty good about some of my works.

  37. These pieces are amazingly bad. They are still better than mine. I am a pretty bad artist.

  38. These pieces look like a lot of hard work. I think for anyone who is good at art it wouldn't be hard though. I wouldn't be able to do this.

  39. this are kind of creepy,but good at the some time.If I tried that,it wouldn't look good.

  40. This is just like it sounds, it is bad art but it is my kind of art. I am not very good at painting so my art turns out like that cat.

  41. I find it funny that there is a museum of bad art, I wonder what the requirements for getting in there are? I am mostly certain that the mother and child is supposed to be aliens, and that the dog, when you only see the top half or head, is a yeti.

  42. This is really funny. I would like to think that these people try to make their art purposely bad. I feel like i could definitely get some of my art in this museum.

  43. Art cant really ever be bad. Art is all about creativity and expressing yourself. Everyones opinion will be different. Not everyone will think its bad and not everyone will think its good.

  44. I wouldn't consider it to be bad. But I think these people are trying to make it look bad but in a creative way. It looks kinda cool.
