Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Extreme Doodles

Do you like to doodle in your notebooks, on post-its, on your walls or just on anything you can find?  Have you ever doodled on a coffee cup?  If so you have something in common with the artist Cheeming Boey.  He is a styrofoam coffee cup artist whos only tool is sharpie markers.


So what do you think?  Do you think of them differently if I told you that they range in price of $400 to $1500 per cup?  Now what do you think?  Would you pay for them?  Would you try to create them?


  1. For one this perso had way too much time on their hands. And its really cool. It would take me my life to stay that concentrated, and get done

  2. I like this one alot. If I was that artistic, I would never have a plain looking cup. They for sure got bored one day.


  4. They are very different and interesting! I actually really like them! However, I would never pay up to $1500 for a a styrofoam cup because its not really worth that much in my opinion.

  5. These are cool. They look like they take a long time to make no wonder you have to pay so much for one. However I don't think I would pay so much for just a cup.

  6. These cups are so sick, I really like them they really stand out. I would not pay that much for them though, maybe like $30 tops. The artist took along time on these cups and has alot of detail. I give him a lot of props for putting the time and effort into all the detail.

  7. I like some of the drawings and i like the creativity of it. They are way too exspensive. The should be like $25 for five of them. They are too exspensive. No i do not have 400-1500. No way to hard for me.

  8. These are very cool! wow! you can literally draw on ANYTHING to make it an art MASTERPIECE!

  9. i think this typee of art in interesting. it is sad that those sell for so much. i would never spend that much on a cup. when you cen get them from walmart for dirt cheap. but its pretty cool that they can do it.

  10. These doodles look like they took a very long time. They are pretty cool looking. I don't think i have the patience to draw something like that.

  11. This is interesting and cool. They are very expensive. I still think that they are interesting. I would pay like $50 - $150 for one of those coffee cups. I would try to create one, but I dont think I would have the patience to do it, and if I did it. There is no way it would turn out that good.

  12. I would not pay that kind of money for a cup that has been "doodled" on. I don't really like the designs in the first place. I don't liek the way the cup looks with the designs. If i did it i would do a flower or butterfly of some sort.

  13. i would not pay that much for one considering there like ten cent cups with like any random drawing

  14. I think its really cool, but honestly you'd just throw away the cup when you're done with it. I guess if you got bored it would be something to do. Definitely wouldnt pay a whole lot of money for a cup ill use once.

  15. I think these are really good art work. I am going to guess they took a little time and if I could draw that I definatly would.

  16. ill be honest i write pretty negative coments. but i actually like this. it's unusual, unconventional and cool.

  17. wow i wish i had the patience to do something like that! they're so pretty! pity he chose his medium to be styrofoam, i imagine it would break to easily!

  18. i think this is amazing, i actually did one of these drawings on the back of my notebook last year. i dont really think their worth the money though, no matter how amazing the art is its just a 5 cent cup and a sharpie drawing. the patience taken to make these had to be pretty extreme let alone the concentration.

  19. wow somebody has way to much time on there hands. they need a different hobby. i have to addmitt its pretty cool art.

  20. I think these are really cool but would not pay for one.

  21. These cups are very cool and they look like they would take a great amount of time and effort. You would need to have a steady hand and good drawing skills to make all the details on the cup. I wouldn't pay that amount of money for the cup though. They are really cool but that price is way too much!

  22. The detailing on the cups is really cool but I would never pay that much for a Styrofoam cup. If I could design them as well as he did I might sell them. You have to make money somehow

  23. The fact that the artist took something as simple as a cup and created a beautiful piece of artwork is very inspiring. I feel I would be able to make these in my spare time

  24. I think they look amazing, but I would never pay that much for a Styrofoam cup. I might buy something like that if it was a glass cup, plate, or bowl. I also think that even though these doodles are impressive they could be replicated, and I would rather make it myself than pay for it.

  25. I think this is so cool. I like doodling in my notebook, so I don't think this would be too bad. Some of the drawings of the artist look like they belong in a comic book.

  26. This is really cool. This guy really thought outside the cup, and created some pretty cool design for foam cups. I would buy a cup that has one of those designs on it.

  27. This is really cool how they did art on the cups. Some of the design on the cups are really interesting. This would take a lot time to do with all the designs on the cup.

  28. I wish I was artistic so I could actually do something like this. I find these so cool and I'm sure that you could sell them for money. Personally, I like mandala patterns so if those were made, I would definitely buy one.

  29. This are really cool. It would be nice to have that much time and patience to take a boring, ordinary thing like that anc turn it into art.

  30. Now this is something I would enjoy,though it would be better if I could use color also. Also I can only see 2 of the 5 images. I really like the ones that focus more on an animal, than I frozen piece of time, like the first image.

  31. I feel that this price is kind of extreme. You could do this same thing at home and make it more personal to your own taste. Plus it would also be a lot cheaper.

  32. This would be hard. What happens if you acedintally throw it away. That would be heartbreaking.

  33. This art looks really really cool. If this art consists of doodling then I think this is the art for me because I am really good at doodling. I think that we should do this also this year.

  34. This is something you can do when you are bored. I do this on paper if I am bored during class. I will even do it on my arms. It remembers me of zentangles. I would love to do it as a project.

  35. I would pay for this. It looks really cool and would love to try it one day.

  36. i definitely wouldn't not pay for that. yes it looks cool and all but it is just a styrofoam cup it will probably break. this would be fun to do in class if we were waiting for the next project
