Monday, November 4, 2013

Peaked interest

South of Wales you will find a place where they have transformed a strip-mining area into a beautiful new park and attraction.  After strip-mining the area for years one local artist came in and shaped this beautiful horse and planted the grasses to make it seen from the air.  It is now becoming a popular tourist attraction.

Do you think this is an attraction you would be willing to see?  Do you think this was a smart idea or would you have created a different shape?


  1. I would stop to see this, I like how they have the horse shoe prints along side of it. It also looks like the horse is running on the circle track.

  2. This is a realy cool and interesting work. It would be cool to see in person. I would have stayed with this shape.

  3. I wouldn't want to see this, it just doesn't seem like something that would interest me. The shape is interesting, but why a horse?

  4. This is really cool. I like the fact that they put the time into this to at little details. You can even see the hoof prints. This would have taken a lot of time and patience.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I think this really would be cool to go see but i don't know if i would make it this shape but i depends on who made it and where it is.

  7. I would love to see this piece, it looks awesome. The horse is cool, but i probably would've done a flower or something.

  8. I think that this is really cool. I think that it cool that it has horse shoe footprints next to it. I think that is cool like a horse. if I had ever done something I probably would not choose a horse just because I am not a horse person. but it is still really cool.

  9. This looks really cool and looks very time consuming. I would be kind of interested in learning how they did this. It looks like they had to cut deep into the ground because it looks pretty 3D. I may have chosen a more simple shape.

  10. I think this idea is really cool and I would like to good visit it someday. It woud be interesting to learn how they made this creation. It looks like they used a giant cookie cutter. I would probley not pic a horse if I was the one to create it, but I dont know what I would make it into.

  11. I guess its pretty cool. I'd probably never stop by to see it. Because im not much in to art. But it is cool and its amazing how they can get this out of starting with nothing. I don't get why they would make a horse out of all the things.

  12. This is really cool. I dont get how they made it. This is a really good idea if you want to make money. This is not a mistake.

  13. This is pretty cool and I would definately go and see it if I had the chance. It would take a lot of dirt and a lot of time to do this. I wonder if he had a helicopter and used that to look at the horse while they worked on it.

  14. i think this is very neat. i don't think the design matters, because anything with that detail and how large it is would be very cool to see. i would like to see this

  15. I like the concept of this art. I think its cool how they restored the land that had been mined into a cool form. I myself would not have formed this into the shape of a horse, I would have made it into something different.

  16. this is cool how they made it into a horse by using special tools

  17. if the hourse would had been pink it would be more cool

  18. I like it. Imagine how long it would take someone to do that though!

  19. it's not really worth looking at, I mean it's not bad but it's not good ether. Plus it kind of reminds we of our school mascot. ;)

  20. I think this is very impressive because if you think about it he had to be on the ground or in the air just to create it. And to get it to look like that shape and in detail blows my mind. It would be a cool thing to fly over and see.

  21. I think that it would be something that i would like to go see. Well depending on were they made it would depend on what object i would make.

  22. I would really like to see this project. It looks muy interesante. In that kind of landscape the horse is a really good idea. If it was in a more tropical surrounding I would of done a different animal.

  23. This is absouletly positively amazing, my jaw literally dropped when i saw it. This is something i would love to see. I would be so cool to see it from the air.I think that this was a cool thing to do with this area.

  24. This art project is something I would like to do. I think it would be cool if there were wild horses galloping around. I like how they did a horse for the rural environment. It would be fun to do on a smaller scale.

  25. wow this project looks really awesome, it looks like it was made of grasss

  26. I think that this is really cool. It awesome how the image was made from the landscape. The hoof prints on the side are my favorite part. I would definitely go up in an airplane to see this creation

  27. This isn't my favorite. There are cooler thing to see but i wouldn't complain if i got to see it. You could make possible anything but the horse is pretty neat.

  28. it takes that much of land? WOW!

  29. I think this project is very interesting. It was a good idea, although I would have chose a different object. I wouldn't mind seeing this in person. I would like to do this maybe on a smaller scale.

  30. wow thats pretty cool. but it would take a long time. but it would be fun to do

  31. it looks pretty cool
    I bet it took a lot of time to build that

  32. Yes, I would love to see this! I also like the horse idea. It looks like it is jumping over something.

  33. This is a waste of time. I would want to know who would do this. This is one of the stupidest things I ever saw.

  34. I think it is pretty cool. I personally wouldn't make it a horse, I'm not into domestic animal art. I do, however think they put a lot of work into the muscles.

  35. I think it is pretty cool. I personally wouldn't make it a horse, I'm not into domestic animal art. I do, however think they put a lot of work into the muscles.

  36. Yeah I think this project is posible considering that our school is in the middle of a corn field. But this project would also take me the rest of high school to finish. So just to round this off I like it but I dont want to do it.

  37. I think it would be cool to see but I wouldn't go and see it. it is very creative looking at it in a different way. I think the way he did it with a horse is awesome.

  38. This is a really cool and interesting work. It would be cool to see in person. I would have stayed with this shape.

  39. I don't think I would want to see it. Nevertheless, it looks interesting. I would keep it the same shape.

  40. To me this says spirit animal, I don't know why. But I don't think I would want to see it. I think they could have done something better than a horse, but it would perfect for outside of the school!

  41. This is awesome. It would take so long and if i messed up I'd probably cry because it would take so long and it's so hard. Its a really project though.

  42. I like this but it would take months to create. It would be cool if they made a huge field of these and the turned it into like a park with just hills. Or they should put this on a huge hill and make it a snowboard and ski park in the winter.

  43. i dont get why they would do this there is so much time and money in to it for nothing and why a horse

  44. Holy crap this is awesome. I would love to go see this sometime.

  45. this is so pretty! i would have done some curly abstract design, but i feel that a horse is perfect for this, its lively and perfectly fits nature!

  46. That probably took a couple years, If I could do that I would make an octopus.

  47. This is cool but looks very time consuming. I would never attempt to do something like this. I do not think you could do something in detail because it would be hard to get it just right. I would get super frusterated with it because if you mess up you cant really fix it.

  48. How would anyone even do this!?!??! I don't understand how this could even be done. The immense scale of it all!

  49. that is really cool it reminds me of the corn maze we should do something like that sence we are in the middle of a corn feild

  50. This is really cool. It would take a lot of planning to achieve this. Flying over something like this in a plane would be exciting.

  51. it would be cool to see i guess. I think that this is kind of a waste of time and money.

  52. This is pretty cool and I would definitely go and see it if I had the chance. It would take a lot of dirt and a lot of time to do this. I wonder if he had a helicopter and used that to look at the horse while they worked on it.

  53. That is a big horse! I wonder if I could do that in my own yard. It might take a bit but I think I would be able to do it. I would love to go and see this. Mrs. Dewitt do you think he got his inspiration to do this from the Nazca Lines?

  54. cool did it take long to do and how did he or she make the horse stand out

  55. I would be willing to see it! It looks like it would take a long time to do, and would have to have alot of patience to work on that. I wouldn't have done a horse though, i would've picked something easier.

  56. That's not natural. The person who did that had guts what if it had turned out to be ugly. Lucky person it didn't it hart moving and i think i might do that to someones grass.

  57. It must of took a long time.

  58. I don't think I would like to go see this unless I for sure get a bird's eye view. I definitely think that's the right shape, and I love the level of detail it's at. I mean... they even added giant hose shoe imprints.

  59. i would like to go see it and i would like to meet the person who did that that is really cool

  60. this is crazy, and just shows how creative and amazing people are, i really like to see it in person, but im sure it look way different.

  61. How did they do this? Was there a squad of bulldozers? How were they conducted by one artist? Maybe it was just one crazy guy with a trowel. But it would be cool to visit in person, the mane looks like it would be awesome for a game of tag.

  62. this is awesome. it is cool that they turned the land to look like that. they had to use a lot of big equipment to pull this off

  63. This is really cool how small it is. It is really creative and I wonder how long took to make it. I would like to do something like this.

  64. This is amazing. It probably took a long time to finish it. This would be cool to see in person.

  65. I would really like to see this. It is really cool. I wonder how long it took them to do it though.

  66. A mustang! I think our school should invest in one of these! I think this would take a lot of time, but would be a blast to do!

  67. I think this is really cool. This is something really unique. I think it would take a very long time to shape the land.

  68. This looks amazing! It reminds me of the Tri-Valley mustang. I think this would be fun to do in class.

  69. this is amazing. Its cool that they carved out the landscape to look like a horse. This would have taken a long time to sculpt.

  70. This is so cool. It is quick big. I wonder how they did this so perfectly. I think the large horse hoof prints to the right of the horse is a nice touch. Overall this is great and very unique.

  71. This is really cool. Its so big and nicely drawn it looks real

  72. this is so cool but looks vary hard to do

  73. How would that artist have the random idea to make a giant horse out of land and how did he see it. It looks pretty cool though very unique.

  74. i feel like i would go there. it is really cool and i wonder just how big it really is if you got right up next to it

  75. I think this is cool. I think that they should have maybe done a different animal though. This kinda looks like a seahorse to me, not a horse

  76. I don't think I would go there unless somebody else wanted too, but it is pretty interesting. Also from google maps it looks like the water horse from Percy Jackson. I think it is a creative way to bring plant life back to a former mine. It doesn't matter to me what shape it is.

  77. I would stop to see this. It's so cool how they made a piece of land into a horse shape. It would take a long time to make.

  78. I would love to go and see this in person. It probably wouldnt look the same, but it would still be amazing. I wonder how long it took to make this happen.

  79. I'd like to start by saying, I thought Giraffes had longer necks than that? Maybe not, maybe I'm just going insane...pretty nice though

  80. I think this really would be cool to go see but i don't know if i would make it this shape but i depends on who made it and where it is.

  81. I think this is cool more on the fact that it is nature which you can't really change. I like this, but I am don't have the patients to create this. I would really like to see something like this in person.

  82. This is very cool but it looks very hard. It sucks that this can only be seen up in the sky. Its also a very big horse. It is very detailed.

  83. I think we need more cool stuff like this in America, especially South Dakota. We only have a handful of attractions built into landscapes (Mount Rushmore and I don't know after that).

  84. This is a realy cool and interesting work. they had to use a lot of big equipment to pull this off.I would really like to see something like this in person.

  85. This had to of taken a long time to make but it would be really cool to see this in person. I think something like that should be made somewhere around here.

  86. I think it would be cool if there were wild horses galloping around. I like how they did a horse for the countryside. It would be fun to do on a smaller scale.

  87. If you messed it up then it would throw it all off. Who thought of this like its cool but why. A huge horse would take forever.

  88. This is very very cool. I wonder how someone could even make this. This must have taken weeks to make. I would like to see this in person.

  89. This is really cool and creative. The horse design seems very challenging. It would be cool to do something like this on a smaller scale

  90. This is really cool i have never seen anything like this . Would love to see it from the ground view. Im sure it took along time to do
