Monday, November 4, 2013

New look to leaves

Do you ever stop and really look at leaves?  Do you ever imagine different images you could put on leaves?  Did you ever think about turning an leaf into a piece of art?  Well one artist has.

Would you have the patience to do this to a leaf?  Will you now stop and look at leaves in a new way?


  1. This is very interesting, but I would not personally have the patience to pull this off.

  2. I would never have the patience to carve that into a leaf. I think this is a waist of time and I would never want to do this. This doesn't change the way i look at leafs.

  3. This really brings out the beauty in everyday, and ordinary things! I would personally like to try this or see the process being done. I really think it is interesting and will catch eyes!

  4. This idea is interesting, but I personally couldn't do it. I would not have the patience, and if/ when the leave dries out and starts to crumble. I have never looked at a leaf as something else and I don't think I ever will

  5. I would never do this because it would keep breaking and i would get really mad. Its cool and all but people must not have much to do if there doing this. I'm probably not going to care to look at leaves different because none are going to look any different.

  6. i don't think i would be able to do this it would take to much patience. Also i really don't look at the leaves that much.

  7. I think that these are really cool, but they also look very hard and time consuming. I don't think I would be able to do this. I guess I could always try it though.

  8. These leaves look really cool, but I wouldn't have the patience to do it. I also will look at leaves differently now that i know you can make art out of leaves.

  9. This is really cool to do. I may have the patience to do it just because I would know that every cut I make I would be closer to seeing the final result. They must have needed to find a pretty moist leaf because if they didn't and worked with a dry one it probably would have ripped.

  10. This is a really cool and creative way to look at leaves. who would have actually thought of designing and making pictures out of leaves. I would not have the patience to do this because one little slip and that whole leaf rips. They are very fragile.

  11. I wouldnt be able to do this because I dont have the patience. I would probley get mad and rip the leaf in half when I made a mistake. I wonder how long it would take to make one, and how many leaves this person went through to try and do this project. And i do look at leaves differnetly because i know they can be turned into beautiful artwork.

  12. This is really cool. I would not have the patience to ever do this. I would fail and never try again. This must take forever.

  13. This is really unique and different. I'm surprised that the leaves didn't crumble apart. It would take a lot of time and focus to do this and I couldn't do that.

  14. I don't think i would be able to have the patience to sit there and work on a leaf for hours. Although i do think it very cool. i like how are can be in everything

  15. I believe that this would be an extremely hard thing to even attempt. I would never be able to accomplish how these leaves would look if I tried myself. Although, I do like how cool they look.

  16. this would be very hard to do, especially for me cause i don't have enough patience

  17. I honestly hardly have enough patience for what we do in class! I would probably go crazy with this!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I would totally LOVE to make earrings out of these leaves. but I don't thing I have the patience to make them. but if you make the leaves than give them to us. I would totally have FUN making earrings out of them! <3

  20. I probably wouldn't have the patience to do that, but i will never think of leaves in a new way.

  21. WOW!!! To have that much patience to work with a leaf is crazy. I think i would get to frustrated and ripped it on accident and break it. It would take me forever to finish one and get it to look how i would want it!

  22. This is a really cool project! I would be kind of worried while working on it because leaves are so easy to tear. You would have to have a lot of patience and it would take me awhile to finish this project.

  23. This is amazing, usaully leaves would crack and break or tear very easily. I dont think that i will ever have the patience to do this. More than likely the leaf would tear if i touched it like once. You would have to have very delicate hand for this.

  24. I have a lot of admiration for any artist that can manuver their hands to make such intricate designs on a fragile surface such as a leaf. I would enjoy trying to do this art project. It would be difficult in autumn because the leaves get so crunchy, and in winter it would be hard to find leaves at all. It would be a fun spring and summer project though.

  25. i think is so cool. how they did this is beyond me. i would never have the patients.

  26. All the details that are required to do this project would drive me nuts. I would probably give up or rip up the leaves from getting so frustrated. I mean it looks really amazing and I would be really proud if I did something like this, but I know I would never have enough patience to do it

  27. Maybe ill have patients for a while but if i would to mess up it would be very frustrating. Those look super cool. It would be cool to try something like that.

  28. Maybe ill have patients for a while but if i would to mess up it would be very frustrating. Those look super cool. It would be cool to try something like that.

  29. This is a very cool way to do art with leaves. This would be very hard because one wrong move and you tear the leaf in half. It would take a lot of time and patience to do this.

  30. This is a very unique art project. It would take an immense amount of patience, especially since leaves tear very easily. You would have to be extremely careful because one false move and the project could be ruined. I will probably look at leaves the same way I did before.

  31. this is pretty cool. but i would never want to doe this it looks very hard

  32. I wouldnt have the patience for that, pretty cool though

  33. u have to have a small tool to do that with leaves it take a lot of time to do that

  34. that is cool but we would need a big leave or a small tool and the leave you have yo be fresh and not all dried out other wise it would not work

  35. I would probably have the patience but not the tools to do that. I think I will look at leaves the same.

  36. I want to know how to do this. But I would not have the patience to do this. This is really cool.

  37. I wish I could do something like this! It is both interesting and simple! I do wish to know how long it took this artist?

  38. I believe the detail on it is very good. I have once seen an artist working on something like this before. He put 2 to 3 leaves on the ground, put gunpowder under the leaves, put a sheet of paper over the leaves, and then fired the gunpowder. The gunpowder residue would then leave a star shaped pattern away from the white silloets of the leaves

  39. Well I can say that this person ate lots of carrots growing up as a kid. So I thing it looks interesting but I dont have the patience or the eye sight to do this.

  40. I would defiantly not have the patience to do this. it would drive me insane if I had to do this. I will not stop to look at leaves differently I will just stick to burning them.

  41. I wouldnt have the patience for that. It looks very cool though. i will look at tleaves differnetly now.

  42. Looks very interesting. I don't think I have the artistic ability to pull this off. Gotta love leaves.

  43. This is really interesting! I like the idea and I think it would be a very cool project to do. Of course it is really little and i probably would get mad and stop. It would take a lot of focus and I feel that wouldn't go well with teens.

  44. oh wow, that is amazing, i would never have the stablility to cut the leaves with out the leaves breaking.

  45. this is pretty cool and i want to know how they did it. who did by the way might give them a call

  46. I wouldn't be able to do this with but i certainly could try. If you assigned this in class I might try to make a duck flying over a pond. Is there maybe a stencil to use? I might have to use the method we used in class for our self-portrait.

  47. I never could do this. I don't have patience and I would mess up and crush it.

  48. I probably could never do this project. The leaf would tear so easily and rip i wouldn't have the patience to redo them. I think its a really cool project though.

  49. i aint got patience ok and this is just a waste of time

  50. Holy crap, somebody took a couple days out of their life's just do make something out of a leaf. I don't have enough patience.

  51. This looks like something I would do on a Saturday. Very unique and cool.

  52. Carving leaves is a very creative idea. This is a really cool and creative way to look at leaves. who would have actually thought of designing and making pictures out of leaves. I would not have the patience to do this because one little slip and that whole leaf rips. They are very fragile.

  53. These remind me of a guy who carved things from the graphite tips of a pencil. I think it was from a cracked article, but I'm not too sure.

  54. These are so cool! but they are also very delicate and hard to make without messing up. If you messed up the entire thing would be ruined.

  55. The fragility of leaves makes something like this almost impossible. The ability to do this would require precision machines and possibly lasers. Using laser given the leaf won't ignite while doing so.

  56. these look cool, but since the leaves are so delicate it would be hard to do without messing up. It would take alot of practice to get these right.

  57. I think this is really cool. But I wouldn't have the time to do that. And I think it would be really hard to do that because of how small the leaves are.

  58. Its so cool that you can di that to leaves. I wouldent have the patience to do it.

  59. This work of art really bring out nature. I never knew that you could be able to do that to leaves because they can be so fragile. I think I would kind of have the patience to do this.

  60. This is really cool. I wouldn't have the time or patience to do this. Leaves are also fragile so i would probably mess up on it

  61. Leaves are really delicate, I don`t know how someone accomplished this. It would take a lot of patience. This is really interesting though.

  62. I wouldn't be able to do this at all because I would get mad when the leaves would get old and crinkle up. This would be very hard to keep together. In the one picture with the owl sitting on a branch, the leaf is barely holding together. I wound be able to hold it together like that.

  63. I have never seen art like this ever. The idea is very new and unique. The patience for it though, i could never have. This is really incredible.

  64. they are awesome. they look like they toke long tome to do

  65. That is very interesting! I dont think I would be able to do that. I would mess up several times. But this is very cool!

  66. This person might be a calm patient person, as for me it's opposite.I love it looks really creative and i didn't know it could be done. The surprises of the world!

  67. What???? There is no way that is real. you cant do that to a leaf, its just not right..people always seem to amaze me. I wouldve never thought of a leave being used like that

  68. This looks like it would be really fun to try. It looks like it would be really time consuming and very fragile. I think you would have to find the right leaf that isnt too brittle and it wouldnt break. I think it would be fun to try but would probable lose my patience.

  69. I don't have near as much patients that it would take to accomplish a feat like this. I already look at leaves with gratitude because I can capture some really breath taking photographs of them. I want to know how crunchy and fragile the leaves are now.

  70. that is so cool i would not be able to carve objects out of leafs like that

  71. This must have been very time consuming. He must have been very careful and tried very hard. This is mind blowing.

  72. Wow this is amazing! I cannot believe that someone thought of making a leaf into art. This has to be very differ lit to do, because of the fact that leafs are so fragile. As cool as this is I don't think that I would have to patience and steady hard for this.

  73. Wow this is amazing! I cannot believe that someone thought of making a leaf into art. This has to be very differ lit to do, because of the fact that leafs are so fragile. As cool as this is I don't think that I would have to patience and steady hard for this.

  74. this is cool yeah, but whoever is making these has way too much time on their hands, and i don't understand why you'd want a fragile leaf as your canvas.

  75. Sweet! I've actually tried to tear shapes out of leaves before. When they are fresh, the are too bendy, but when they are old, they crack too easy. I think it is very impressive because I couldn't do it.

  76. I like the lefts. They are so cool.

  77. I like this concept, but I wouldn't have the patience for it. The leaves would eventually die, turn brown, and fall apart.

  78. This is a cool piece of art. I like the designs in the leafs. It looks like it takes a long time to do it. This would be a hard project to do for me.

  79. I think this is really cool. I would not have the patience to do it myself. Plus, if you make one wrong move, you have to start over on a new leaf.

  80. I think this is really cool. This is something really unique. I think it would take a very long time, and it would be really hard work.

  81. It looks like it takes a lot of patience. It is very neat though.

  82. I think this is really cool. Its cool how someone has a steady enough hand to make that in a leaf and have it not rip. I think this is really cool and think it would be kinda fun to try.

  83. I like how they made art out of a leaf i could never do that

  84. I think this is pretty interesting. I think that because every leaf is different. No two leaves are alike. They could do the same picture they did on leaf, and do it on another and it still wouldn't be the same. It would not be the same because the leaf would be a different shape and size.

  85. The painstaking work it must have taken to make these. The pain if the break or tear. I wouldnt do these in a million years

  86. these are really cool and i really wonder how much time went into making all of these leaves and how many hand cramps there were making them

  87. i could not do this but i could pull it off

  88. I think this is cool. I would like try this sometime. Maybe I'll try this summer

  89. It amazes me that people take the time to make a leaf into a piece of art. If you make one wrong move you leave is all messed up. It would take a lot of patience to make a leaf into art.

  90. I Don't like this , creative but not insteresting to look at .

  91. This would take so much patience to do. It would be really hard to not mess it up. I think it's cool how they used a leaf to make art.

  92. I would not have any patience to do any of this. i would probably tear the leaf to be honest with ya

  93. Leaves. The hold more than the color and whatever. They have such a sad life. They only have a short life and not being able to do much. Must suck. I'm a leaf.

  94. I think that it is amazing how they would put so much detail on a single leaf. I would think the leaf would break. Leaves are so delicate. This art is just crazy.

  95. This is really cool. I think it would be really tough to do this because the leaves would rip.

  96. this is really cool and this would be interesting to do . this would take a very big amount of time. this would be cool to do in class

  97. This is extremely cool and very detailed. It seems like it takes a lot of time to do but in the end it will be worth it.

  98. The leaves are very detailed with lots of creativity. Leaves to me do not seem very sturdy. They are really pretty so images would look cool in them.

  99. these are so cool I really think that this would have to take a really sharp knife in order to make some of this holes, but its really cool

  100. I think that this would be fun to do, but I would probably break it. I like 007, 008, 020. It seems like it would take time, and I don't have the patience to do this. It would be one of those projects that would take me months to years to complete.

  101. These look very cool but also very time consuming. You would have to be very careful. If you break any of the parts you have to restart.

  102. These are cool but looks like they took a long time to make. This would be something really cool to try but very hard.

  103. This idea is interesting, but I personally couldn't do it. It looks very time consuming. You'd need to be gentle to carve

  104. I would never have the patience to carve that into a leaf. I think this is a waist of time and I would never want to do this. This doesn't change the way i look at leafs.
