Thursday, January 10, 2013

Nailed it

So today's topic might be just for the girls, but it is still an interesting topic.  As most of you know I am on pinterest quite frequently, but the one area I have never understood is fingernail art.  Don't get me wrong, I think some of the designs are really cool.  And I am really impressed by the way that someone can create such artwork on basically ten tiny canvas's. 

However, as often as my hands are in paint, clay and glue there is no way i could ever pull off some of these designs.  I would have them destroyed within the first 15 minutes of leaving a salon.

I am way to practical to ever pull these off.  I would have those first ones broken instantly.

These are also pretty, but how do you wash your hands?
Check out the details

So what are your thoughts?  Is this the direction art is going?  Does this reflect their personalities?  Could you tell a lot about a person from the artwork on their hands?  Have you ever had a salon do your nails in a fancy way?  Have you seen a style that you want to try?


  1. Those nails look so cool! It looks very time consuming. But I wouldnt even want my nails done like that, I would break them in two seconds.

  2. im a guy and i not have my nails painted, but thats pretty cool. heh teris and batman. tetris is cool

  3. Those nails are very impresive. I really like the Batman nails. They are very creative, but they look hard to paint.

  4. I dont like this. This is quite weird. Nails like this kind of creepy me out.

  5. i like this, but i couldnt do it. First of all i dont like my nails long. But this is realy cool is makes me wonder how long it took them and how they did it. They must be realy good painter espicalsy with detail if they can paint on something so small. The batman onse are my favorite.

  6. I like the nails. Very cool how they did that. I like the colors that are on them.

  7. I really like the nails. I think it would be awesome to have nails like that.

  8. that is kinda cool. it looks like a waste of time. some people have too much time on thier hands.

  9. i love how there are many different ideas for nails. people are really creative. it must have taken time and patience to do this.

  10. i think these would be cool if i was a girl. they are knida cool. im not doing this

  11. anyone could do this in a day if not 5 minutes. they had way to much time on their hands to do this. they have no life.

  12. the nails look really cool. they seem like they would take time. but, i really dont think this is art.

  13. The batman ones are awesome. I think it shows their personality greatly because its being unique. I'm not sure how they wouldn't break within a day though.

  14. I think nail art is pretty cool, but I bet the nails get in the way of alot of things. Or scratch people since some of them look pretty sharp. The batman nails and the tetris nails look pretty cool, but no way could I ever have my nails like that they would be broken within a week!

  15. i like how people can do creative nail paintings. Its hard to do and you have to have a very steady hand.

  16. This is kinda cool, but not really worth it. This would take a lot of time and kinda dumb. I dont like this cause i would never paint my nails

  17. I think these are cool. They look like they would take a long time. The detail is cool, but it looks like it would take a while.

  18. I like the first ones, but i dont like when is that long.

  19. These are cool. I wouldn't use them on my nails though. Way to much time on these nails to make them look like when they will eventually fall off.

  20. I think this is a cool style of art. I dont think its something i would ever do though since i dont color my nails. Since i dont paint my nails i hope we never do anything like this.

  21. i dont any of these. maybe its just because im a male. but i have never seen 3d nails if you want to call it that way

  22. i dont like any of these. maybe its just because im a male. but i have never seen 3d nails if you want to call it that way

  23. this is a very creative form of art. women would really like doing this. i could see this being a very popular form of fashion in the future.

  24. this is retty sweet art. i think this is good art for women to do i could see them enjoying it a lot

  25. Love these nails. it would be so cool to be able to do this.

  26. It would be so cool if I could do this to my nails. It would be a little weird though. You would have to be pretty brave to wear these out in public!

  27. this art looks like its for girls and some emo guys. i wouldnt enjoy doing this art

  28. i would so do this for falling in reverse concret if i could go to one

  29. This is really cool but i would never personally do this to my nails only because id chew them off i cant have long nails. only downside to this no michael phelps.

  30. these look really cool i wish i could do things like that, well it would be nice to even beable to have long nails. the disins are great and uneak

  31. pretty crazy that people did this, would take alot of time. people prolly got paid to do this though so let them keep doing it. it would come off eventually so theyll have to redo it.

  32. these are pretty cool, i could say. but not anything i would enjoy doing. it cool for girls. go ahead ladies.

  33. I think it would take a lot of time and effort to paint someones nails like this. But i do think that its is pretty cool.

  34. these are crazy and i dont think my mom or step mom would ever do that to there fingernails.

  35. I do consider this art because I like doing designs like that on my nails. The first ones are a little extreme because you can't do anything with your nails like that. But from experience I know that you have to have a steady hand and patience to do this kind of art.

  36. I think this is a cool idea how to express yourself. It would be a pain making your fingernails into the shapes you want and it would most likely break off. I could never do this because I don't have the patience of steady hands.

  37. This looks like it would take a long time to do. I dont even think that they even look that cool.

  38. This is a really cool way of doing art. This is some crazy ways to show off work and probably there personality. Some of the nails are kind of creepy but some what cool.

  39. This is really cool.This would be hard to do. I wonder how long it took to do this. I would like to try this but not as a grade.

  40. These nails are very cool. I feel like that the tetris one is very cool but it seems a little dangerous for a casual walking type of deal. I feel you would break it very easily.
