Thursday, January 10, 2013

Banana Art?

You heard right, artwork on the side of a banana!  Canadian artist Riss has started drawing on the sides of bananas. 





So I guess my main question would be, is it worth it to put all of your time and effort into drawing on a banana peel that will go bad in a few days and have to be thrown out?  Did you also look at this article and think what will they come up with next?  Can you think of a unique artform that maybe someone should do? 


  1. i love doctor who. ive never seen bananas used i art its cool, like bow ties, fezes, and stetsons

  2. This is probably one of the strangest things to mak eart out of. I don't really like the art work. And wouldn't the banananas go bad?

  3. This is cool. Its kinda wierd they would use a banana so i guess whatever floats their boat.

  4. this art is cool. it probobly wouldnt last very long. its a waste of time. i would never do that.

  5. all it looks like is someone drew on a rotten a banana. they didn't do anything to that banana when rotted it turned that way when it rotted

  6. The idea is funny. it is kind of a waste of a banana. The banana goes bad in a couple days and you have to throw it away. The artist should draw on some thing that will not go bad.

  7. I wouldn't put that much effort into something that will spoil in a couple of days. I would rather make something that would last longer.

  8. This art is cool. I know I wouldn't put my time and effort into a banana that would go bad right away. I don't know why someone would put their time into a banana that would go bad.

  9. Its a really cool idea but its stinks that the banana will go bad in a few days so its not really worth doing it.

  10. This is really interesting. I think its creative. I think this would be really quit interesting.

  11. I think drawing on a banana would be pointless. This is because it doesnt take extra talent to draw on a banana as to drwing on paper. I hope we dont do anything like this.

  12. i dont think this is really considered to be art. i think its just drawing on a banana. i think this is pointless to do. the drawings are pretty good though.

  13. It still is art, but it's kind of weird. I would not waste all that time on a banana thats going to go bad. What a waste of a good banana

  14. It's bananas, B A N A N A S. I don't see the point in this. It is kinda cool, but will only look good a few days. Also who not just draw on paper instead..

  15. These are really cool. I want to know how they did that and why they took the time to do that because there is no way i would.

  16. This looks easy to do. We should make something like this.

  17. It looks hard to draw on a non straight suface like a banana or any kind of object but its looks very good art work

  18. i think it is kinda wierd because its art on a banana. i personaly wouldnt do art on a banana because it seems wierd to me. there are some people that like this but i dont.

  19. It's weird and different, but it's really cool, it's something that i couldn't imagine before, art in a banana.

  20. This is cool, because it looks like there is tattoos on the banana. Its also weird because why would you do art on a banana?

  21. i am not sure if i get it. its weird but its pretty cool. i never would of thought someone would think about doing this. putting art on a banana is just weird

  22. This is Very cool. i like the fact that it looks like a tattoo. it has the same shade as black tattoo ink. it would take alot of concentration to do this.

  23. I thought this was very interesting. I thought it was pretty cool how they added shading in. Also how, people would take the time and effort to do this.

  24. This is really cool. It looks alot like a tattoo. this would probably have to be careful and sensitive with the banana peel so it won't break

  25. I dont think it is work drawing on bananas. they are very good drawings but i think it would be worth his time if he drew on paper. these are really good drawings and i dont htink i could ever draw that good.

  26. this is cool but it is also kind of gross i would still eat this!!!!!!

  27. i feel bad for this bannana.. think about it u stab it with a ball point pen to make a drawing.. its cool i wanna do it

  28. I think this is really odd, it's cool but I guess I dont understand why they draw on a bannana. I wonder if they eat the bannana and just save the peel. But then again the peel is just going to go old so they draw something cool and it's only gona last a little while!

  29. i think these are really cool. i would love to do this sometime and this its pretty creative.

  30. i think this is really cool. the fact that he spends so much time on these only to have it be gone so soon is dissapointing, but it also makes the art unique.

  31. I kinda like this, it lookds really intresting, it doesnt look that hard to do if you know how tr draw

  32. This is pretty weird. I would never think of carving a piece of art out of a banana. It would be pretty tricky to get what you were going for, since youre carving into a fruit and you cant messup.

  33. this is really neat what they put on bananas. i would rather just through those away. that is why i havent become famous yet.

  34. to be honost, this is a waste because its gonna get old. your gonna have to toss it out. they prolly got paid to do this so let them do it.

  35. thats really cool and it looks really hard to do

  36. It seems like this was his way of showing that art is everywhere, even on some cheap bananas. Clever and keep up the weird banana drawings.

  37. These are really cool. I want to know how they did that and why they took the time to do that because there is no way i would.

  38. This is kinda dumb since the banana will eventually turn black and you wont be able to see this anymore. I would never want to do this since it would take way to much time. This is a waste of a banana.

  39. This is a unique of showing your talent, but it wouldn't be worth all the time in effort because it would just get all gross and you would have to get rid of it. This art is something that will stick with people because not every day do you see a drawing on the side of a banana.

  40. This is a unique of showing your talent, but it wouldn't be worth all the time in effort because it would just get all gross and you would have to get rid of it. This art is something that will stick with people because not every day do you see a drawing on the side of a banana.

  41. I think this is as much worth the time as any "regular" piece of art. Plus it's Dr.Who characters he's drawing on there; you can't go wrong with Dr. Who.

  42. This is really creative. Not many people would think to draw on a banana. I could not do this I would get to hungry and eat the banana.

  43. This is really cool.This would be hard to do. I wonder how long it took to do this. I would like to try this but not as a grade.
