Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Graffiti Sculpture?

Sometimes we think we have heard of it all, but now artists are taking graffiti, which is normally written on the sides of walls or trains, and turning them into 3 dimensional art.

Kwest Graffiti Sculpture

This sculpture was by an artist named Kwest and it is located in Toronto.

This piece is a relief sculpture called "Rock" by an artist named Peeta.

And this one is from an artist named DAIM.

How do you think an artist takes a 2D or flat work of art and makes it 3D?  What materials would you use if you were trying to create these works of art?


  1. these are really cool sculptures. they have that unique thing that sparks my eye. the could be made of paper or other things. the orange one is a painting of course.

  2. This would take alot of time and patience. It is really cool and the bright colors really make it stand out. Something i would enjoy doing.

  3. I would never have the patience to do this. My imagination is not that good to make it look sweet like that. Good materials were used to make it look awesome.

  4. This is really cool. I wouldn't be able to do something this talented. This would take a long time with alot of patients.

  5. It seems like a really awesome way to express your thoughts. It really doesn't have to make sense to anyone but the artisit. Trying this out would be really interesting.

  6. These look realy cool and are eye poping too me. I think it could be made of cardboard and other materials. I would like to do something like this if i had enough time and patients.

  7. The artist is showing his emotion in his paintings. He loves doing this, and you can tell in his work.

  8. these are pretty cool. i dont think id have the patience to do this though. im sure they used scrap metals and other things to make this art. trying this out would be interesting but its not something i would personally like to do.

  9. These are very cool. Although i agree that i would not have the patience nor the creativity to do this. If i tried doing this i think it would end up being a huge blob.

  10. I think this is awesome. Its cool how they got the grafitti to almost stick out! It would be cool to paint this in the school somewhere!

  11. i really like this its so uneek u cant coppy this and its cullerfull and i love that

  12. this is pretty neat. i would paint my room like that if i could.

  13. This art is sweet! very creative and I like that they take the time to create stuff like this

  14. This artwork is very creative. It is a very good way to express yourself. alot of graffiti out in the world is done illegaly. this is a very cool way to show your art skills and not have to worry about getting into trouble.

  15. its amazing how they can make it look like 3d. i dont know how they can sculpt by hand.

  16. When I first looked at this I thought it was a really cool butterfly. But then I realized it wasnt a butterfly, its so amazing how someone could make something like this! Some people just have a huge imagination and can make some crazy stuff. I give this person props they really made something awesome that most people could never do!

  17. Honestly, coolest art I've ever seen. It would take huge imagination and patience to do this. The material used looks great. Also, the emotion in the art is incredible, just expressing yourself in a creative way.

  18. This is really cool. I might be able to do something like this but it would take forever. People might have used steel of aluminum or anytype of metal to create these. And of course paint over it to give it that pop.

  19. Its super creative.Nice way to show how creative a mind can be.Definatly i would do, but take too long.

  20. I think this one cool. it would take a lot of time. i like the Graffiti. also i like how its 3D.

  21. that is totaly awesome.i like how they make it 3D. i dont think i could do that in a million years.

  22. this is amazingly cool. i like how they mixed the colors and made it 3D looking.. i love the graffiti it looks amzing!

  23. This is amazing 3-D art. I like the graffiti style. This is the style of art that I would pursue if I cared about this. I believe the picture is vibrant in color and comes to life better because it is 3D.

  24. This art is really neat. Would like to see how this is made. I would definetely buy this art if i was rich but probably costs a ton.

  25. This artwork i awesome!!! :) I love how it pops out!

  26. I think this is cool. I like how they made it 3-D. I like how they made it graffiti, with the mixed colors.

  27. this is so cool. Its something you don't see everyday

  28. this is something that i would enjoy doing and creating. It looks like it took forever and has amazing 3D effects

  29. I don't know how this is possible but it's crazy how people can make paint look like it's a scupture. The blue grafiti looks amazing. This is really creative and awesome. I don't know how they do it but it's awesome. There is so much detail in it to make it look 3D. It's amazing!

  30. This project is really cool and i think that the colors and shades make the artwork look 3D. Its really neat how people can transform it into art and make it look really good. They also would have to have many details to make it look like it does.

  31. This is really cool and looks like it would take lots of time. Grafitti is illegal so doing it this way you could do it legally. It looks like it would take lots of time to make this and it would also take lots of patience to do. It is a reallt cool piece of art and looks fun to try.

  32. That is so cool. How you even make that look 3d is crazy. It would take huge imagination and patience to do this. The material used looks great. Also, the emotion in the art is incredible, just expressing yourself in a creative way.

  33. These are seriously awesome. 3D graffiti is like the best thing ever. If i was a better artist I'd definitely wanna try to do it.

  34. I think this is so cool. I would love to try this. If they are able to do this in 3D, I wonder what it would look like if they do graffiti 2 dimensional.

  35. These are definitely the best graffiti pieces I have ever seen. People around here usually just do graffiti in spray paint. I wonder what these people did to really make their pieces pop or look 3-D.

  36. wow, these are so awesome. I wish i was this good with spray paint to be able to do these. If i was able to do this, i would do this in my free time. Man i wish i was good at these.

  37. Those are really cool. I wonder how long it took and why they decided to do it. It looks amazing though.

  38. This is honestly amazing. I would have absolutely no clue how to do that or where to even start, but I would love to go to a museum full of these. I would probably walk into one if they weren't behind a glass case or at least roped off


  39. these are pretty cool. i dont think id have the patience to do this though. I'm sure they used scrap metals and other things to make this art. trying this out would be interesting but it's not something i would personally like to do.

  40. It kind of looks like graffiti. It kind of looks like it's 3D which I find very cool. Even though it's 3D it looks like it could be done with it a paint can.

  41. it looks cool but it also looks really confusing and weird
