Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Dreaming of Cake

Wayne Thiebaud is an artist after my own heart.  He is a pop artist, that is short for popular culture artist, and he found his subject in a bakery window.

He enjoyed creating texture through line and patterns through shapes.  He also tried to focus on the shadows.
Can you tell just by looking at his paintings where the sun is located?
He painted things other than desserts, but I think they are some of his best.  You can research Wayne Thiebaud and find other paintings that you might like.
But if you had to paint popular culture items, like dessert, what would you paint?


  1. This painting was very good. It inspired me to draw desserts. Not only did it look good but it made me want to go and grab an icecream cone. This painting almost looks like you could grab a icecream cone right from the picture. This painting rocks!

  2. I like this kind of art. it looks realistic but at the same time you can tell someone drew it. you can tell where the sun is by the shadows and alot of art lacks that. This kind of art is unique and simple. i really like it.

  3. i really love this picture of art it makes me so happy. this is some really good art i wish i could draw like that.

  4. This was cool. i don't think i could do this though.

  5. It remindes me of kinda like friend ship because the wood is holding up the icecreem cones. And friends hold up one another

  6. these paintings are out standing! they have very great detail, and good colors. it is very realistic but at the same time it looks fake. I like it alot.

  7. I really like this draw. You can see the different textures, and you can know where is the sun just looking the shadows.

  8. thats really cool art... it makes me hungry. its really good shading. i wish i could draw that well.

  9. this picture was awesome darn now im hungry

  10. this picture is very cool. my favorite food is cake so it is cool. i like the drawing. the shading is very good

  11. This looks pretty cool, i like how the artist draw theem all like that it looks like it took a while.

  12. This is really impressive art and looks like it would be fun to try and draw. He did a very good job of drawing them and it looks like it would take lots of time and patience. I want to try it sometime.

  13. This makes me hungry. I like cake. This cake looks very realistic. I want to eat it.

  14. Just looking at this makes me crave something sweet. I really like his artwork. If I were to create a pop culture piece of art I think I would paint something like a video game or electronic, since most people are attached to their electronics.

  15. This is really impressive how he made this. Drawing cakes seems really hard to do. It would be really fun to do this sometime to.

  16. I don't understand how the last one has anything to do with cake. They all look very nice. Once again I wouldn't have the ability to be able to do one of these.

  17. I would hate to be the person painting the cake.I think would become hungry every time I looked at a cake painting.

  18. This seems like a piece of art you would hang in your kitchen near an inspirational qoute or a bible verse ("chocolate doesn't ask questions, chocolate understands"). If I was to paint pop culture items, I would paint mermaids or unicorns because why not

  19. This reminds me of the clay cake projects we did. I like how it is shaded. The colors looks nice.
