A talk about Art

Hello, the purpose of this blog is to help bring to life a love of all art that is out there. Here you will find the masters to the most current artists out there. You will have a chance to learn a little about them and share your thoughts on their work. And along the way we will have some fun and questions and trivia about anything ART.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Lace and Metal?

Okay those are two things that I know you would have never put together, but then again you are not Canadian artist Cal Lane.  Cal is a world renowned sculpture artist that takes sold, cold, manly objects and cuts them into delicate and intricate lace patterns and designs.  She gives a feminine touch to some very masculine objects that I think is very beautiful, but I would love to hear your thoughts after you check out a few of her works.

So what are your thoughts?  Would you love to have one of her massive pieces in your house?  Obviously I don't think the shovel would do you much good as it is intended anymore, but would you hang it on your wall?  Can you think of an object that she should use for her next work of art?  If you could do this what would you use?

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Welcome back!

I hope you have had a fun and relaxing summer and are ready for some fun and learning!  I have had a very full summer with travel, food, family and friends.  We spent time learning to kneeboard on the lake and running to baseball games.

Hopefully you didn't forget who you are or why you are here!  Like any class, this will be as fun as you make it.  I love the projects that I have planned for you, but if you dread them then this will be a very long year for you.  

So all I ask is that you come in everyday with a positive attitude.  Even if that means you have to walk out the door and try again.

I am curious what you are looking forward to as you start a new year?  Are you looking forward to this class or one of your other ones?  What are you hoping to try?  What do you feel will be the highlight of your school year?