A talk about Art

Hello, the purpose of this blog is to help bring to life a love of all art that is out there. Here you will find the masters to the most current artists out there. You will have a chance to learn a little about them and share your thoughts on their work. And along the way we will have some fun and questions and trivia about anything ART.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Power in photoshop

So now we have just finished our photoshop projects, and while some of you did really good, others struggled.  But I want to show you what can be created on that program if you really work with it.

Artist Balazs Papay works with a couple of 3D computer programs, but one of them is photoshop.  Here are a couple of his works of art.

So what do you think?  Is this something that you wish you would have thought of?  Does this look like a career that would interest you?  Can you think of some interesting objects that he should put together?