Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Trapped on the inside

Alexandr Milov created a beautiful sculpture of two adults that are mad at each other, or at least not speaking to each other, out of metal cage like structures.  But then on the inside he put two white marble figures that are to represent the inner child in all of us.  You know, that innocent being that just wants to be friends with everyone, and who doesn't want anyone to be sad or mad at anyone else.

So what are your thoughts?  What are your feeling of this piece?  Would you have changed anything about it?  What is your favorite part, or what part upsets you?


  1. This is a good piece. It looks like 2 souls trying to reconnect the pieces to be whole. I think that this is good art work. I wouldn't change nothing on this

  2. I love how this looks.It looks really trippy and messes with my head. I would really like to learn how to make something like this.

  3. This is really cool. Its like there are 2 people who want to be together but their outsides won't let them, but deep down they both knows its right. I wouldn't change a thing on this.

  4. I think this is a really creative idea. I like how the outside is like them wanting to be apart but their innerself wants to be together.

  5. my favorte part about this image is that the people things inside them light up and it shows what those people really are feeling.

  6. This looks very cool. It looks like there was a lot of thought put into it. I really like it.

  7. they look cool. Looks like a bunch steel welded together

  8. I like how they have the inside people glowing. I really like this piece.

  9. This is a very nice piece. it really sparks my interest

  10. This is really cool. I would really like to see how they did this. I have never seen anything like this.

  11. I like how the outside is like them wanting to be apart but their innerself wants to be together.I like how this looks. It is very cool.

  12. I like this piece it is very mysterious. This piece makes you wonder what it is trying to do. I like this sculpture.

  13. This art piece is very lonely. I like how its separately two wooden figures. What i don't like is that its representatives loneliness

  14. This is very creative in the the sense of poetry or through a story. They both are struggling with stress in there lives.This Causing them to have some sort of apparent conflict between them both but through it all there still loving little kids inside there souls.

  15. This is creative. It looks really cool. This type of art looks thoughtful and deep.

  16. This look really cool and artsy. Things like this would be cool to take pictures by. An artwalk with pieces like this would be very fun and I would really enjoy it.

  17. I think it looks really cool. I like how it is 3D. I also like how the two kids were glowing.

  18. I think it looks cool. It shows that sometimes kids have a better perspective on life than grown ups

  19. This project has a lot of meaning in it and it shows a lot of talent off as an artist. This project is very cool.

  20. It's such a good looking piece and you can tell it has a whole lot of meaning behind it

  21. This piece is really neat and has a lot of emotion in it. You can tell the person has a lot of talent. It looks really hard

  22. I think it's really interesting. I like how they did the middle part in marble. I think it really makes it stand out. I wouldn't do anything to change it. My favorite part is how you can see the middle things easily.

  23. this piece looks like they are trying to tell a story. maybe about their childhood. or about how they had a better childhood and don't like being an adult.

  24. It's very unique looking. I wouldn't change anything about it. This is very interesting.

  25. This is very interesting and neat. This is a very emotional piece with a lot of meaning to it. I wouldn't change anything about it.

  26. this is a cool piece. it looks like it has an important story behind it so i wouldn't change anything. my favorite part is how the middle really pops out.

  27. This looks like it took a really long time. I wouldn't change anything. I like how the bright marble really stands out against the metal cage


  28. This project has a lot of meaning in it and it shows a lot of talent off as an artist. This project is very cool.

  29. My favorite part is how you can see the middle things easily.I wouldn't change nothing on this. I think it is very cool.

  30. It probably took a long time. It looks very cool and talented. I would not change anything.

  31. It shows that they don't want to like each other, but on the inside they both know they need to reconnect in some way. It really shows how the real world works sometimes.

  32. I really like this, it's so cute. How can someone make something like this??? I could NEVER.

  33. This is really cool. It kind of makes me think about a story where a mother and father fight but their kids hold the together. It's cute, but sad.

  34. I like how it shows how even you know you should be mad at someone something inside of you makes you give them another chance

  35. This looks very cool. It looks like there was a lot of thought put into it. I really like it.

  36. this looks pretty cool. I like how it shows the happiness. I like it.

  37. I like this because of how it may show the inner personality of someone

  38. this is really cool because you can see 2 images. this looks like it would be hard to do. i wonder what you would use to make it.

  39. I think that this is unique because it is a real object. I like all of the details of it. It has two emotions in my opinion, Sad and happy.

  40. This looks like something my mom would put outside in the summer but it looks like a good crafting idea

  41. I like the idea of this project because it shows the difference between what a person expresses and how they actually feel. The metal cage i feel makes the message even stronger.

  42. I like this piece it is very mysterious.This is really cool. Its like there are 2 people who want to be together but their outsides won't let them, but deep down they both knows its right.

  43. This is a good piece. It looks like 2 souls trying to reconnect the pieces to be whole. I think that this is good art work. I wouldn't change nothing on this

  44. I really like this piece of art, because it looks nice and cool, and also sends a message of like two souls trying to connect with each other.

  45. this looks so cool. It's like they're wanting to talk to each other but they can'.

  46. I don't know about this one it is cool in the sense of the thought that comes with it. At the same time it just doesn't seem that appealing.

  47. This is kind've weird. It is deep but at the same time kinda creepy.

  48. i really like this one because it show two sides nice and cold.

  49. I like how they have the inside people glowing. I really like this piece.

  50. I really like this one a lot. I like it because its pretty deep because it looks like they dont like each other but deep down they do.

  51. I like this one a lot.It shows how much they truly do care just are too selfish to show it.

  52. I like this one a lot. It shows that they truly care in the inside just too selfish to show it and wanna stay mad.

  53. Its like some people who want to be together in the inside but the outside they can't.

  54. This is a really deep piece of art. It could refer to a variety of deeper issues. For example,it could be two once close friends that have now become distant from each other for one reason or another.

  55. This looks very cool. It looks like there was a lot of thought put into it. I really like it.

  56. This is pretty depressing but its cute. I like it a lot. They must have put a lot of time and thought into making this.

  57. I think its really deep but it has meaning. They put a lot of work into it. Its really cool.

  58. I think it is a cool peace. It has a depressing feeling to it tho, so that kinda weird. But oh well.

  59. The name if this piece really makes you understand what the piece is saying. I like that you can feel emotion through this piece, very inspiring

  60. This a really nice piece. I would like to do that project. It would take a lot of people to complete.

  61. This masterpiece is a work of art it has a deeper meaning to it that meets the eye you have to think about it.

  62. This one is cool because the babies light up inside of the big people which says that everyone has an inner child

  63. This project has a lot of meaning in it and it shows a lot of talent off as an artist. This project is very cool.
