Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Trapped on the inside

Alexandr Milov created a beautiful sculpture of two adults that are mad at each other, or at least not speaking to each other, out of metal cage like structures.  But then on the inside he put two white marble figures that are to represent the inner child in all of us.  You know, that innocent being that just wants to be friends with everyone, and who doesn't want anyone to be sad or mad at anyone else.

So what are your thoughts?  What are your feeling of this piece?  Would you have changed anything about it?  What is your favorite part, or what part upsets you?

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Caption this?

Sometime you come across art that you are not sure what to think of, or what you should call it, and that is okay.

Art is whatever the artist was inspired to create at any time.  As long as their craftsmanship is decent, then the art is a way to get people talking.

So I have some questions about what you think of this piece that I found?

So what do you think?  What would you call this if you had to give it a title?  What does it tell you about the artist?  Can you give any thoughts to his/her feelings or thoughts?