Sunday, January 4, 2015

Guess the medium??

So it has been awhile since I have put a challenge out there.  I found these amazing portraits that were created in all blue, but not with a normal medium.  I will give the first person who figures out the medium double credit for their post, and triple points if they can figure out the name of the artist.

Remember, double points if you can get the medium or the artist.  Good Luck.


  1. I love how every different looking spot is a different pair of denim jeans and the artist is ian berry

  2. I think it is really cool how the artist created something pretty out of something most people would never think of as an art material. The different shades of blue work really well as a substitute for shading. The color scheme for every one of the projects is monochromatic and I think that is interesting. The same colors over and over again could have ended up being boring, but the artist avoided that. This is such an interesting project.

  3. I never had the idea of using jeans to create such wonderful art. I really love the first one that has the flower headband.

  4. It is amazing that these pieces are made of pairs of jeans. The artist is Denimu or Ian Berry. I love the originality of this.

  5. These are great. I wouldn't be able to tell what the projects are made of by just looking at them, but the artist Ian Berry put these people together with denim jeans. Very different creative way to speak your imagination.

  6. Id like to get a tattoo like the 4th one down

  7. I would have never thought these projects were made out out of jeans but very cool would be fun to try

  8. this is cool its cool how they make these people

  9. i would have never guessed that these were made out of jeans. It looks really cool, but very challenging.

  10. Thy are made out of jeans. You can see it in the first two on the headbands. I think this is really cool. I like how the artist used different colors and shades of jeans.

  11. Ian Berry does a good job using jeans to create artwork, I love this so much

  12. I think it's cool, alot of blue! love the color blue! It's amazing how much time and effort people take to do these type of things!

  13. its really pretty and the people look good to

  14. i don't really like them. I think that i would not like to do them. But they are not that bad.

  15. Jeans and the artist is Ian Berry, it looks really cool and most take awhile to make but the final result would be great

  16. I like the last one. I think they used markers or pencils to make the pictures. I would like to try to see if I could make a picture like that.

  17. I am not really a fan of these either. I dont like how the colors are limited. I would not want to do it either because I could play 5 games of online poker in the amount of time that it would take to do this.

  18. It looks like pieces of paper glued together. I think it looks really cool, but you are limited to a certain type of mood when you only use one color. That could be viewed multiple ways, though.

  19. Wow! Denim is the last medium I would've guessed, if I wouldn't have researched. This art is very cool and I also noticed it was monochromatic. Ian Berry is obviously very creative.

  20. What a stinkin waste! I wouldn't ever abuse my jeans like that by cutting them up! I wouldn't ever do this! Just kidding I really like these pieces of art. My favorite on is the one with the guy on a ledge. Mainly because it doesn't look like he is made up of blue jeans.

  21. I couldn't tell what the medium was until I read through other peoples' comments so sorry for cheating. But it kind of amazes me how someone could make these portraits look so real with just denim jeans. I can't even do that when we have to draw them. I think it must of been a little bit of a challenge trying to find just the right color of blue jean for each part of the project. But it does seem like it would kind of fun.

  22. these sculputrues are Cool they would take awhile tho but worth the time

  23. these would take a while. but for sure this would be fun to atleast try to do we should try this! They are made out of jeans

  24. these would take a while. but for sure this would be fun to atleast try to do we should try this! They are made out of jeans

  25. That looks like a lot of shading can't believe it drawn by the color blue. Although i don't know the artist he's a great drawer or she. The last one looks like those see through pictures at a church except the churches have more color. The picture also looks like cubism but what do i know but love it.

  26. i dont know the medium but i do know that these are so cool. i like how the color is very muted but yet the art is loud and tells a story and shows emotion. i really like these peices

  27. i do not know the medium but it is looks very good. I would love to construct something like this.
