Friday, October 5, 2012


Art doesn't always have to be complicated.  Sometimes the simplest pictures can have the most impact.  I found this picture called "so lonely and so lost" by the artist Meme.  This simple black and white picture with its little watercolored areas and perspective points create an interesting picture.

so lonely and so lost... Art Print

What do you think of this picture?  What do you like or dislike about it?  Did you find the most interesting feature?


  1. The coolest part of this is how the road narrows. It is spooky looking. I think of halloween when i see it

  2. it looks cool. it looks like a haunted house. i hope the cat is will be ok

  3. When I look at this I see a bunch of kids gathering for a party at a haunted house. I like how the boy's shadow really sticks out. Very cool.

  4. I really love this type of art. The simplicity of it makes it even more theatric and eye catching. One of my favorite features of this piece is how the boys shadow has an extra hand by it which could suggest that maybe someone else actually is there but you can't see them.

  5. i like it cuz it looks spooky. i love how every thing goes together. i loke this

  6. i like tis, cause this could be something i might be capiable or doing.

  7. That looks awesome. i still dont think i could do that. i think its cool how the artist made the shadow on the ground and in the puddle.

  8. I really like this picture.I find it very interesting because there is nothing really special about it. It's just simple art.

  9. This is a neat piece of art. it looks simple, but im sure it takes time. the shading seems like it would be difficult. i like it though.

  10. This looks cool. It looks simple, but it probally is complicated to some people. I dont like how the trees are just there. I do like how the road narrows though.

  11. This looks pre cool and nice and simple and in like the shading

  12. This picture is pretty cool. It seems that it would take some time to do this. Overall this picture is really good!

  13. This picture really catches my attention. i like the fact that hes looking far away. also how you can see the shadow of his hangs.

  14. Its kind of creepy but I guess thats what the artist wanted to show; Maybe like how the boy perceives the world or something. Its really weird how theres a shadow of his arm and right next to it is a hand.. I like it though.

  15. I think that this piece of art looks really cool. I like how it's kind of creepy in a way. The shadows are really good in this picture. This would be fun to do!

  16. this painting looks hard but i bet with alot of practice you can have it down. it looks like she did simple drawings, but made alot of planning on the art. it looks like its dark because of it being all black and white. overall id try it but it wouldnt turn out this way


  17. Such a simple yet awesome piece of art. I like it a lot. it's so dark, and it seems to have so much emotion in it. I'm a fan. Great looking art.

  18. It has a simple but mysterious look to it. The shodow is the most interesting part of this picture. I like this drawing.

  19. I think that this is really cool and that it sends a strong message if you look close enough. Also i think it's cool how the strong message is in something so simple. The most intresting feature to me is that the boys shadow of a hand is like reaching for somebody elses shadow, so mabey that means he was never fully alone

  20. I really like the shading in this drawing. I think that there is more detail in this drawing since there is less stuff in it. I like the shadow that is added on there of the boy. I like how simpke it is.

  21. I like the shading in this drawing. It looks very simple to do. The best part about it is the boy and the hand.

  22. this type of art i think i could do. this doesnt look too hard so i would give it a try. it is simple and anybody could do it, even stupid fatties like me.

  23. this picture looks like a child drew it. that is probably what it is meant to look like but i really don give a crap.

  24. thats so cool!!! i think i could do that!!!

  25. It looks like an easy drawing. I think anyone could draw that, even if your not the best drawer.

  26. I like it, it's not too hard, not too easy. But what I really noticed was the boy holding his hand out and it looks like his actually not really alone after all because it looks like someone else is with him but dead.

  27. This is really cool its very simple but yet really good. It's creepy, the boy walking toward this creepy house with his cat and a scary hand about to hold his!

  28. i like this picture my opionion is that it is saying that it is scary and thats why he is holding his hand out but there is no one there except his dog

  29. This looks pretty cool. i dont think this looks very hard. this is something i could actually do.

  30. this picture is telling people that the kid is going into the mist but there is a hand that is trying to stop him

  31. i really love simple art. it always seems to show that not everything has to be complicated to make an impact.this is a really cool picture. you know i can see people saying they could do this, but ive tried doing simple art before and sometimes thats the hardest kind to try and do.

  32. This is the kind of water color art you will find in childrens books. Just because it is simple art it would be hard for them to understand

  33. i like how it shows the house going farther away. i like that it may have took him only about a hour to draw that is my type of a right there overall i do like it

  34. The most interesting thing is definietley the 2 shadows of the hand. The picture does seem pretty deep despite being so simple. The water color gives it a lot of emotion.

  35. I feel like in even the most simple form of art there is still depth to it. This is pretty cool.

  36. This looks pretty good. I feel like being more detailed wouldn't hurt.
