A talk about Art

Hello, the purpose of this blog is to help bring to life a love of all art that is out there. Here you will find the masters to the most current artists out there. You will have a chance to learn a little about them and share your thoughts on their work. And along the way we will have some fun and questions and trivia about anything ART.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Photo depth

I ran across the photography artist David Reeves today and I think his pictures are unique and interesting.

I love the depth that his photos create.  They bring out that saying that a picture is worth a thousand words by creating a story that is left up to the viewer.

The are usually on the violent side, but at the same time they are great images done with a camera.  Also would it help if I mention that they are made out of black construction paper and trick lighting?


Do you feel different knowing that they are just cutouts?  Can you think of a scene that you would like to create?


  1. Wow.. That is very cool! That is very creative art. Adding photography into it, creates a out of the box idea. Once again, the creativity is very cool.

  2. These are awesome! I like how simple yet complex they are, becuase each picture can be understood in a different way. These would be awesome to try with life size people!

  3. this is AWESOME!!!!!! love the shadow effect that is gives on the wall and house they pop out and look 3D in a way. VERY CREATIVE!

  4. This is awesome. I love the figures and how they give that pop feeling with the shadow. Very cool!

  5. This is awesome especially the depth. I would love to do an art project emphasing depth. On another note, it seems like they're all about killing zombies.

  6. Very cool how the depth is. I dont think it matters that there cutouts its still art. I would like to know how to do this.

  7. this is a very cool art form i like how the figures have a way they look like they are popping out at you.

  8. At first I figured that it was just a peice of art and not little pieces of paper with i ligh shinning behind it. I think this artwork is pretty neat in many ways. I also think that i would be able to do this.


  10. wow this is really cool and i dint expect that it wasnt just on a peice of paper

  11. I had no idea it was paper until I saw the last one. They are very cool and look very fun to make.

  12. Looking at the image, I thought I was seeing actual people posing at different depths. Now that I know they are paper cutouts I am amazed. I would create maybe an outdoor scenery or concert

  13. I would do the set of greys anatomy if i every did this. There is a shooting scene and that would be really cool to do.

  14. I kinda noticed they were paper cut outs. I think they look interesting. I don't know exactly what I would do if given the opportunity to do this. I do know that I would do a less violent scene though, maybe something the exact opposite like peace?

  15. This type of art seems really hard to do. It also looks like it would be really fun to do sometime. Its amazing how they just cut out little pieces of paper to do this.

  16. I like how they uses the different lights to create real affect on it. I thought it was a painting at first. I also like how it is blurry in the back to give it depth and how it looks like it shows the silhouette.

  17. I would like to try this since i like working with paper. I get the feeling that the artist really is interested in the zombie theme.The posture of the people without a gun is zombie-like.

  18. I think that this one is very cool. At first i thought they were real people. I dont think i could do this one beauseim not that good with construction paper

  19. This is pretty cool. It would take time to get the pieces cut out just right so they look nice.

  20. This is very interesting. I love how simply it is yet it is very cool. I feel like this is something i would love doing. This would be really fun to do!

  21. I like the way they did this. I like art that tricks your eyes. The perspective on this is quite amazing.

  22. I really like how it shows the blood coming out of his head. It must have taken a small pair of scissors in order to cut the fingers out. If I could do a scene I would probably do one of people falling off a building.

  23. I had no idea those were paper until i saw them like i want, like the detail on them is insane and the blood splatter just tops it all.

  24. This is pretty cool. This is pretty cool.
    The perspective on this is quite amazing.

  25. this art is really cool. i really like how it all comes together.i would not mind to do this kind of art.

  26. I like these because it not only involves shooting which is a big talk, but it involves the action and the effects.

  27. These are awesome! I like how simple yet complex they are, becuase each picture can be understood in a different way. These would be awesome to try with life size people!

  28. These are awesome. I would love to do something like a family without a mother or father standing at a gravestone. I know, I know, it's dark, but that's my style.

  29. this looks cool it is like a silhouette

  30. this is really cool I do like the feel of like an actual place or land its more realistic having background characters. It definitely looks way cooler then any 2d layout. I would like to make a seen where it appears someone is making pass to a football player and there way in the background and it looks like it has to travel a long ways.
