Monday, October 29, 2012


A technique of creating art is called a linocut.  A linocut is a piece of linoleum, usually applied to a block of wood and then cut into with carving tools.  When you are carving a linocut you cut out the negative image so that the positive image will show when you are done making a print.

Pinned Image

What kind of design would you like to do?  Would other colors make a difference in these pictures?


  1. I would love to do this. It is cool. I would carve a cow for my designs. I do think that other colors would make a difference in the linocuts.

  2. this would probably take like a year of my life to do. then at the last second i would probably mess up. but they probably get paid very very good so whatever let um do it.

  3. This is very cool. It looks that it would take a long time. It would be fun to do.

  4. these are very cool and very detailed.

  5. i think its really cool but would be hard to do. It would be hard because it takes patience and a steady hand. I have neither.

  6. i would love to make stars, butterflies, and etc. Also, it hink in some cases some color could make a diffrence and make it look prettier. But it is still pretty cool

  7. i think my grandparents would like this because it involves wooden crafts and they are big into that. this is really cool but very very time consuming.!

  8. this all looks very impressive. I would personaly not be able to accomplish this art but if i could that would be awesome. I think they did a very good job and i love the details!

  9. its cool becuase on the ram, it looks like all they put is lines in the face to make it look descriptive.

  10. this looks really cool. i really like the idea of making it almost like a giant stamp! i dont think id have the patience to make these but id definantly love to see some more of these. i really like the details that are put into it too.

  11. This is really cool. I love the ram and its colors. It gives it a warm vibe and makes it pop. I love it.

  12. Pretty cool but take forever to make. It would really be horrible to accidently mess up. I wouldn't want to try this knowing i'd probably mess up at some point.

  13. wow wicked cool bro. i saw something useing a magent to control a through the sanb,

  14. looks amazing, but spending all my time carving that would get boring.

  15. i love the ram becuase they can make it so it totally looks like a detailed animal and it just looks like they just drew regular lines. i like it

  16. pretty cool. i would like t odo something like a car. but also spending this much time carving on wood could become very boring.

  17. my dad does somthing like this. its really cool.

  18. this is mind blowing. this would be kind of cool to do this some time.

  19. this is so neat! i would love to sit down and try to carve wood but im afraid i would mess up a line. and i remember that carving is kind of hard. i would do a tree or flower for a design

  20. this is a really cool piece of art and hard to do because i would get confused on what i would need to do.

  21. NO, this is difficult and then you get hurt and you bleed for a good 5 minutes and then you get hurt again and you have to get it deep enough which is impossible

  22. This looks like its a dangerous i would hurt my self some how like I do on every project. The tools that he is using are hard to use I don't think i could do the whole project with that tool. I think I would use a brighter color so it catches people eyes.

  23. By constant Practice Emily, you will get used to the tools.
    But How can I get an ebook of linocut technology.
    Any Idea?

  24. These tools slit peoples fingers open. It is very difficult and dangerous. But the picture that comes out is usually pretty cool.

  25. this is really cool and would be fun to do

  26. i think that id do a flower design but it is really hard to cut through linoeum

  27. I think that this would be pretty challenging. It would most likely take a long time to do. I would do like a monkey or something like that.

  28. This is weird, i don't like it. It looks hard to do though. It would take a long time to do. And by the time your done you would have a bunch of cuts.

  29. This looks really hard to do and it also looks like it would take a lot of time

  30. I would do an elephant, i've seen some people do this and it looked cool. This looks complicated though.

  31. This is really cool how they made these. It seems like it would be really fun to do in class sometime. It also seems like it would be really time consuming to make this.

  32. These look amazing, whoever did these must be talented and have a lot of patience. I remember doing this, I did a fish. It was harder then it looked like. I would never want to put in that much time or patience into something like this again.

  33. this is really cool and would be fun to do

  34. These are pretty cool. The small linoleum project we did was pretty fun and it would be cool if we did a bigger one.

  35. This is really cool. You have to have a lot of patience for this. I could never do this; it has so much detail.

  36. This is really awesome! I don't think i could do something as cool as these people though. I think doing something like this is very time consuming, but cool.

  37. This is really cool, I like how it shows texture and value of an image.

  38. Linoleum prints look really cool, but it is a highly tedious process. It always comes out looking good.

  39. We did thi in art class and it was pretty fun. it was just hard to make precise cuts because the linoleum was hard to cut sometimes. But it would be cool to make some kind of animal

  40. I liked doing this in art class. I did however cut my self quite a bit.It was really fun to make like a stamp type thing.

  41. i enjoy doing this besides when i cut myself. Its fun but it can also be very time consuming. The only thing i thought ws har was trying to get a clean line without messing something else up. You just have to be patient with this project.
