Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Food for Thought

What do you see??  How was this picture photographed?

What do you see if this photo? 

So what or how is he doing his photography?  What if I told you that all of his props are food.  The above picture where it shows him working is entirely made out of meat.  In fact it is mostly bacon.

The photographer/artist is Carl Warner and he has found a unique way to make food into art that will last a long time.  It takes several days to prepare for a shoot and then a morning at the market to buy all of the fresh ingredients.  Most of his art has to be done in one to two days top, otherwise it spoils. 

Now go back to the top two pictures and see if you can guess what foods he used to create the props for his photos?  Can you think of other foods that he could have used?  What foods would you think would be the most versatile?

By the way, here is the finished "meat" photo.


  1. I like these drawings, although when I look at them they make me hungry. In the beech photo the hamburgers on the rock with lettuce is pretty neat and the end of watermellon or a cantelop on the water as a boat.I woould do that, but it would make me hungry while I was making it, then I would get distacted by eating my food.

  2. This food drawing makes me hungry. I like how he puts food in his drawings. it would be fun to try something like this. this would be pretty hard to do.

  3. very creative! i like how it keep on going and going. this artist is very skilled.

  4. That's unique. It doesn't even look like it's made of food

  5. I like these drawings they have food. It looks like it would be hard to do. I love the color and how it goes with the picture. The house is cool by the trees.

  6. It looks like it would be very hard to do. But fun and yummy.

  7. is that all candy or what. i would like to live there because it is all food. they also look like cinnomin rolls. they look so delicious.

  8. looks cool but hard must have took awhile

  9. its cool. itd be really time consuming to do, so your most likely never going to see me do it.

  10. i think he is taking the photo and then editing it. i still think these pictures are great. i think i might be able to do this.

  11. I think these pictures are pretty great. i like how its all made up with food. the meat one is my favorite. this guy must have been pretty hungry or he really likes food.

  12. The artist went really in depth with the piece. I think they put a lot of time and effort into their work.

  13. i love the use of the meats. the bacon on the trees is awesome. it makes my hungry. that person is a great meat artist.

  14. i like the use of food. they incorperated different foods into them. the beach one is cool with the buns in the rocks. i think it a banana in the water or a canoe.

  15. Very coolart. they look so realistic. it looks like they put a bunch of items together to make it look like it's coming to life, then they take a photo of it. Cool beans.

  16. This kind of art is entertaining to look at. It isn't very boring and really creative. I think it would be fun to do this.

  17. well i mean the art is cool. but why waste the food? if it was bad then its ok, but if you are just going out and buying food for art then it is wrong. but he made money so whatever.

  18. that really awesome!!! i would love to do that!!!

  19. they look really cool. i would love to live in world made out sweets. this makes me hungry

  20. this is pretty cool art and it reminds me of candy land, it makes me hungry too. but its creative and awesome.

  21. This makes me hungry. I love food and if I had any artistic abilities I would do this. well probably not but its neat how they put this stuff together.

  22. it kind of reminds me of the game candyland, there is food and candy everywhere, but who honastly wastes food?

  23. This is a really cool how someone can put together this and make it actually look like something. It looks very challenging but fun.

  24. I have seen this kind of art before. It is amazing. It makes me hungry though

  25. i like how everything is made of food that is my type of art right there and the food flows and works with the picture its not force

  26. food is definitely always good.This art seems pretty cool, not really something i would wanna do. I like to eat food not make art out of it.

  27. Food may not be the best medium, with the fact that it rots, but I think it might be a fun medium to use; What other type of artwork can you eat afterwords?

  28. While making this artwork I would be tempted to eat the props. A great vegetable to use for this would probably be broccoli. It reminds me of mini trees. Overall its pretty amazing.

  29. Ahah now this sounds like something I would definitely do this. I mean it's food art! who doesn't love food. So this is a pretty amazing piece of art to me,

  30. These look really cool, and kinda remind me of clay figures or stop motion animation. I think that it is a waste of food though. It's not like he can eat it, since it has been out for days and is probably harboring a lot of bad bacteria. It would be gross having to smell all the food, especially the meat. It would also be gross to clean up.


  31. I like these they have food. It looks like it would be hard to do. I love the color and how it goes with the picture. The house is cool by the trees.

  32. i think that this art is very interesting. i like how they use food to make this art i would like to try this but i think that i would mess up the food.
