Thursday, September 13, 2012

Making Lines Move

Bridget Riley was one of the first female artists to use lines to create Op Art, short for Optical Illusion Art.  She discovered that by the placement of lines you could create movement in a work of art through the viewers eyes.
Arrest 1,  1965

Bridget Riley: Horizontal Vibration, 1961
Horizontal Vibration   1961

Bridget Riley: Blaze 1, 1962
Blaze 1,  1962

Bridget Riley: Descending, 1965
Descending   1965

Her style was created in the 60s and 70s, but it has become more popular over the past few years.  What do you like or dislike about Bridget Riley's Op Art?

Is it hard to look at or is it hard to look away from it?  Do you have any other types of Op Art that you like?


  1. It seems like the artist took their time and really showed many different kinds of art.

  2. Very cool style of art. I really enjoy looking at optical illusions. Hats off to Bridget Riley.

  3. These styles of art are very interesting. They make my eyes hurt, but they are very cool. I Would love to learn how to draw these.

  4. These art styles make me dizzy and gives me a headache

  5. Oh wow thats amazing i love this its so cool how they move

  6. i really like this. especially when you keep staring at the pictures it gets you dizzy. i also liked the fact that, there are different ways of using lines and circles. this is really creative.

  7. I think that this kind of art is cool. I like how it looks like it is moving. It makes my eyes hurt though. I think it is harder to look at.

  8. This kinda makes me dizzy watching it. They seem to move when you look at them. Optical illusions are pretty cool

  9. i think it is cool. there is alot of different ways of using lines and circles. it looks like a zerba.

  10. this makes me have a big headache and i love this pioece of art but i dont like hoe it gives me a headache and it looks like a zebra

  11. Deffinitely like this. I want to learn how to make this I think it'd be fun.

    Connor Hickman: These are very cool but i dont think i would have the patience to acually make one of these. I am impressed anyone thought of this. Also it makes my head hurt.

  12. really cool i really want to learn how to make this

  13. these are cool illusions. sometimes they make me see different colors. they make my brain and eyes hurt.i understand y they are popular.

  14. illusions are really cool but they make my head hurt if i foucus on them to long

  15. These illusions look really good. The artist must have spent a lot of time on getting these lines to look as good as they do. I do not have that much ability to make everything connect that well. If i had a lottle more patience it could possibly happen. unlikely...

  16. Like when if you click the arrows keys it looks like it is moving. it is hard to look at close up. i have not seen this type of art be for.

  17. This is both hard to look at and hard to look away. I get a headache if i look at it to long, but i like seeing if it acully moves. This looks like it would take a lot of dedication and time to make.

  18. i think this would be fun to do in class. i think it would be hard to actully make it work but it would be fun and a learning expereince abot lines.

  19. this is so cool! i showed my little brothers this and they were like "wow its moving!" i think it would be a fun art project

  20. this looks cool its not hard to look at but it looks like it moves especially when you scroll the page.

  21. this looks cool its not hard to look at but it looks like it moves especially when you scroll the page.

  22. I hate optical illusion with a passion but i like shading. Especially if they used pen. That'd be cool. I wish I was better at optical illusion to be honest.

  23. I love optical illusions so I think that this is amazing. I love looking at it. I think it's wonderful how we can create lines and have them trick our brains.

  24. This is some real optical illusions. They are pretty cool I know we did some of these earlier this year. They were pretty fun.

  25. Optical illusions are really fun to draw. Its weird how they become optical illusions just from lines. I would love to do this again sometime in class.

  26. There isn't much that I don't like about Bridget Riley's artworks. She was so talented and has made some interesting things. Seeing her works, just makes me wonder how long it took her to make these. There is so much thinking that goes into these, I couldn't possibly do it.

  27. It cool but I don't like it.It makes my eyes hurt,it also looks like the art is moving.

  28. This is very very trippy art but it is also cool at the same time. I would love to try to do this and know how it is all done. I think we should try to do this at school.

  29. These are very good. As I was scrolling down I could see the lines move. If I stair at Blaze 1 to me it looks 3D.

  30. These really make my eyes water when I look at them. They look like they are buzzing. My project like this definitely wasn't as good as hers.

  31. i really like this kind of art. i like how it looks like they are moving in the artwork. i really like the second piece of art.

  32. This messes with your mind. its like an illusion. We need to do this.

  33. she is my favorite artists from our sketch books. i enjoy doing this kind of art because it is fun and you get to have fun with what you are making
