Monday, September 10, 2012

Breaking up the painting

I ran across this artist, Carol Manasse, who is a contemporary acrylic painting artist.  I found her art very beautiful, colorful and intriguing.  It reminds me of cubism, but without the harsh lines and shading techniques that Picasso and Baroque created.

Bridle Path at Sunrise

Fractured landscape

Grecian Sunset


4 Horsemen of the Apocolypse

Galloping Horses

What do you think of her style?  Do you like it or dislike it?  Does it remind you of anything or inspire you?  Which one is your favorite or least favorite?


  1. i think this type of art is different. i think they had no lifes and all they did was do this. althought they probly got paid or i hope they got paid. they should do more but im not to exited about the horses but it was a good job.

  2. Well im not sure how they did this, but it looks really really time consuming. I would love to see how long it took them to do this. overall its a really good painting, and i give props to whoever did this and im suprised they had the patience.

  3. I think these are pretty neat. They remind me of the horses in the commons. I would probabably never do this because im not good enough.

  4. thats really cool. it probobly takes longer to break up the painting like that. i wish i could draw that good.

  5. i like the way that they make the horses. how do they make them. if i could draw that good it would be awseome. i love the way they have them placed in the art.

  6. Jon Carlson-

    These paintings are pretty cool. They really show how great they look like adding some shading.

  7. this looks pretty neat. it loks like two horses with three heads. who ever made this has a lot of talent.

  8. This painting is pretty cool. It looks like glass broken with a colorful tree in the middle. I like how it looks like glass because I like how broken glass looks.

  9. i think this is pretty cool it has multiple colors and horses. (:

  10. Nice work, i wish i could draw that

  11. i think this looks really cool and time consuming. it looks like this artist uses a different perspective on shapes

  12. I think the art is confusing by all the extra parts. It should be focused on one specific item.

  13. I think this art is pretty cool I wish I was talented enough to do this. I think it would take some free time to do them drawings and I think I would have to say my favorite one is the fractured landscape.

  14. that horse looks like its missing some parts

  15. I like 'Bridle Path at Sunrise' because i like the way the horse is sort of faded in the picture

  16. i like the texture and pose of the horses they look like they are running through the patsure of shapes and different shading

    stanasia noheart

  17. i like the different colors. the horse is very cool. the horse goes with the picture.

  18. i only have a few atrists i like and this isnt one of them

  19. I like the 4 horsemen of the apocolopse.Its really cool how she takes one horse and fades it out into 4 different horses with 4 different riders.

  20. this art looks very confusing so you must be really good at art in order to do this

  21. her art is very creative, i like it beacause of the colors

  22. I think that this kind of art is really pretty. I think that the horses remind me of all of the horses at school.

  23. This kind of reminds me of church windows, but with softer lines. I would love to see how they made this look so natural. I wonder how long would this take? Overall, this is an interesting design, and I like it alot.

  24. This is a really interesting art. I think that it would take awhile but the final drawing is awesome. I wish i could do this.

  25. The way that they combine all the shaped and colors is crazy. Putting art together takes talent, and good skills planning ahead. I could never think of things like that.

  26. i like it. it seems like it would be really hard to do. it has a lot of randomness in it. this would be awesome to do.

  27. I think the tree one is pretty cool. They're all so random but flow together nicely. Its creative and looks like it would take a lot of time. I'd like to know how long it took her to do one of these. The lines look so soft

  28. i like how they use horses a lot. how ever i find the yoga one the most interesting, how its all together but its not.

  29. i don't like this it looks wrong the way they overlap makes it look confusing. the individual objects look good but when they overlap its funky

  30. These paintings are interesting to me. Especially the first horse. It looks very cool and I can imagine the horse trotting around in pieces.

  31. I like this kind of art, even if it may be difficult to make. I like the ones with the horses. This is interesting and cool to look at.

  32. My favorite one is the tree. I like how it looks and I love the fact that this artists creations are so colorful. I think I liked them all but my least favorite one is the gymnasts. I would love to own one of these or try to make one.

  33. This looks really cool, but I don't think I would want to do this at all. It looks really difficult to do, and really confusing.

  34. I really like this artist's style because it looks like cubism, but more feminine and much softer. Also, in these pictures, you can actually see the subject, where many other works had unrecognizable objects in them.

  35. This art is very cool because it looks like they took different shapes and colors and put it all together to makes something really cool. I think we should try to do this because it would be a lot of fun but challenging at the same time.

  36. The artwork looks like a puzzle. It is just a bunch of different pieces into one beautiful piece. I really love it.
