Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Stick to the Wall

Can You Guess How This Art was Made??

It uses a common office supply?

Well if you haven't guessed it by now all of these artistic creations were made using Post-it notes.  Any guesses as to how many post-its you would need to cover the walls of this room??

Or would something simple like these be more of your style??


Or would you be up to the ultimate challenge like this one that covers several floors of an office building??

What are your thoughts on this?  Is it even art?  What type of character or picture would you make if you had the chance?


  1. I feel like this picture would be expensive. It would take alot of time. This is a cool part of art because the picture would take some time to do.

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  3. I think that this is cool. But i think that would take a long time to do. If i could i would make spongebob.

  4. This is an interesting style of art. I think that it is cool. I would never try it though because of the time it would take to do it.

  5. I think that this is pretty cool although it may get boring putting up sticking notes. I think that it is art. If I did thaT i would do a cow.

  6. The picture is very good it is interesting. I think it is art. i would try to make the steve skin from minecraft with creeper behind him.

  7. this type of art is very interesting. i think it would be a waste of time because i have never seen a sticky note stick for that long. i think it would just fall off after a while. i dont have the talent to do it or the attention span

  8. This is pretty cool but would take alot of time. I think id be cool to do like a mario or luigi. I probably couldnt do this because it looks hard.

  9. I Think this is a pretty neat project someone wasted their time on. I would do some kind of car design. It would be pretty neat.

  10. This type of artwork is weird to me. I would never like to do this. This would be way to time consuming.

  11. This is really cool art work. I think it would be cool to have this on your walls in yuor room. Haga

  12. I kinda like this one. I think it would be a lot of fun to do but
    take a long time.

  13. This is definetly a form of art because art is a form of expression, so if you want to expres yourself through post it notes go ahead. Its really intriguing, but I would not have the patience to try and create the one that covers several stories. If I made something with post it notes, it would probably be some form of an illusion.

  14. its crazy how they can make a large image with sticky notes. it would take them weeks, it would take me years.

  15. I think this is really interesting! This would be very time consuming and I don't think I would have enough patience to make one. I think this would be considered art. If I was going to make something with post it notes, I would make Mater.

  16. Very cool, whoever did this is very talented. I wish i could be a part of something like this.

  17. Very cool! My friends and i did something like this at camp this year. we did mario. our councelors loved it!

  18. I think this would be fun to do as an art class. It would take time but it would look great at the end.

  19. Already I do not have any doubt, nowadays we can find the art in any place or thing. I like it.

  20. I would love to make pictures out of sticky notes. I would very much like to do this in class one day.

  21. i will admit some of these are impressive but the time it would take and planning is not worth it

  22. this is really cool. i like the person on the building, but it would probablly get ruined if it ever rained.

  23. This would be a cool way to make art. One thing is that it would take a long time to do it. If i was to do it i would probably make a cow or some human.

  24. This looks cool and would be fun to do, just in a smaller project. I wouldn't have the patience with it.

  25. this is not art but its alright

  26. I would take on the challenge and try to do several stories of a building. I would create an advertisement for the person who occupies the building.

  27. This is pretty cool and also awesome. All in all I think it is art. I would do like a cool cartoon character like nemo.

  28. This is really cool art. It looks very time consuming and really awesome. I also think that it is are, and if i had to make anyone i would probably do a football or something like that

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  30. That must have taken a while. He may have slightly angered his window washer. I Think this is a pretty neat project someone wasted their time on. I would do some kind of car design. It would be pretty neat.

  31. This looks like a lot of time and dedication. My favorite one was the one on the windows since it definitely took the most time. I think it'd be a pretty cool prank to pull if you worked in a big building.

  32. This is amazing if seen stuff like it before, but it is just small scale. Not this big time consuming art that this person, or people did. Just the overall look of it is cool, but what are you going to do when they fall of, or you have to take them down.

  33. This is in fact a form of artwork. It is amazing how someone is able to take just small common office supplies and make a masterpiece. One negative of this would be having to take them off the wall or surface.

  34. I think this artwork is awesome. It's a good way to get people's attention and liven up a building. These are very impressive. I would have fun doing something like this.

  35. I think this looks really cool. I have seen someone do this before. They made Mario and it looked pretty cool. I would like to attempt to do this, but it would take patience, especially if they fell.

  36. Post-it note pixel art! I would try to make characters from retro video games, which would be somewhat easy because I would have a reference point, but it would still be really fun.

  37. I love how this looks like old video games in a way, like a whole bunch of little blocks. If I were to do this I would cover a teachers room with an old video game character. I think this would be a great prank idea.

  38. This art is awesome. This looks like it would be a really fun to do sometime. It just looks like it will take a lot of time to do this type of art.

  39. I think this is a really creative idea actually. I mean it's smart to use common supplies to make something amazing. I definitely think it would catch someones eye.

  40. i think that this is art but it would be hard to cover that much space up. it woul take alot of time to do and alot of studying to finish it

  41. This would be hard to do. It would also however be really fun to do ad try to figure it out. I wonder how much it would cost?

  42. This would be really fun to see but it would take a lot of time, money, and patience to do. Also, it wouldn't last very long in south dakota because the weather here sucks (it snowed on the third day of spring).

  43. The post-it note art would have to be inside so it doesn't blow off. I would only do smaller projects inside my own house. It would also be easy to rearrange as it still keeps its stickiness after a few uses.

  44. I love this. this art is laid back and childish. sometimes it can all get so serious and we are so worried about the end product we forget about how creating should be fun

  45. I would love to do this art. It looks really really easy and simple. I think I would be able to do this art. It looks like it is all made out of sticky notes which is really cool.

  46. This is awesome. It is something that you could easy do if you are bored. It is something that if can do and if you don't want it there anymore you can change it.

  47. Sticky notes, that is a cool ides. It looks like something fun to do when you are bored. When I get a job I can do this at work. It is art that you can do anywhere.

  48. I remember when everybody just used this as a sort of prank and covered peoples whole room and all their stuff with sticky notes. anyways I think it would be really time consumeing

  49. I think making something like this would be fun. It would take a lot of time. Making a huge one on multiple stories of a building would be hard.

  50. I really like this. It seems like they put a lot or time and effort into this. I don't think I could do this because I would get bored.

  51. i like how they took something so simple and turned it into something that looks difficult. really creative
