Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Keith Haring Art

The artist Keith Haring was born in 1958 and died in 1990.  His work is simple, but fun and colorful.   He worked in a style known as pop art or contemporary art.

He would often create art for a purpose and message like AIDS.  He was an social activist whose work represented the 1980s.

What do you think of his work?  What does it remind you of?


  1. This guys art is so cool!he uses cartoonish figures in his drawings. It almost looks like a different lanuage. He seems like a creative guy. I think it would be cool to try this in art!

  2. I think this art is really easy. It looks like anyone could accomplish this. But it looks really cool!

  3. This reminded me of art for little kids. I like how he had a message behind some of his work. This looks like it would be easy to do.

  4. i really liked his work. he he start all of that kind of art because its on allot of sign and i see it sometimes when i watch cartoons

  5. This looks really easy, this is not the kind of art I would like to do.

  6. its looks easy but it aint that cool

  7. This looks like art a little kid made, which i guess in kind of cool. I'm not very impressed to be honest. I wouldn't mind doing a project like this though.

  8. It is bad art and I don't see how he can be a famous artist and I wouldn't be seriously.

  9. This art is not all that impressive. It looks like something that a little kid would draw. It kinda looks like a little kid would draw it. It is cool though. I would like to try it sometime.

  10. I don't really care for this art. It seems too simple. I don't mind it I guess but anyone can do it. I like unique and detailed art. I don't know how this guy is even famous.

  11. I don't really care for this art. It seems too simple. I don't mind it I guess but anyone can do it. I like unique and detailed art. I don't know how this guy is even famous.

  12. This artwork looks really simple. I think pretty much anyone could make this kind of stuff. This artist's art probably shouldn't be as famous as it is.

  13. His work is simple, but it had a message behind it. I like that kind of art. It is simple and that's one of the reasons it is fun to do. Anyone can do it.

  14. I enjoy how his works are plain and simple. They get the point he's trying to make across. I also enjoy how colorful they are. I think that after looking at a few of the pieces though that they start to look similar and repetitive.

  15. This art seems really boring, but is kinda cool also. It is really simple and there isn't much to this art. I would not want to do this as a project.

  16. It's pretty cool on how he is doing something he loves so much like being an artist, but yet his works create awareness for things that usually don't get enough attention. I wish there was more of this advertisement out there.

  17. I like this art because I feel like I could something ilke this.It cool and simple.

  18. I don't like this style of art. It is too simple and too boring.

  19. I really love the one with the two people holding the heart because it is simple and fun. I want to put it above my bookshelf so that I can see it every morning. It is very cheerful.

  20. I don't like this kind of art.I don't know what am look at.And it looks like something I can do and I'm bad at art

  21. this sort of Art seems kindof pointless to me. These peices probably are worth tens of thousands of dollars but they look like they could have been drawn by me. To me, art isnt all about talent or dimension it is who you know.

  22. I love this one so much, it has so much hidden meaning and potential, I wholeheartedly support the aid to aids. I think aids is so scary and so dangerous. RIP Freddy Mercury

  23. I think that its really cute, but I don't think you need to be really talented to do it. although it is really cool

  24. I think it's kinda dumb. I could probably draw the same thing when I was 7. I don't understand what is so cool about it.

  25. this reminds me of pop art. the bright colors and they movement.
