Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Oldies become goodies

So I know that most of you are too young to have seen advertising from the 50s and 60s, but maybe a few of you have seen some from an old magazine lying around at a grandparents house.  Anyways,  I couldn't find the artist that created these, but I thought they were very interesting and even a little comical. 

Someone has taken old advertisements, some for products that we think nothing of today, and has mixed them with natural items to create works of art.  But you be the judge.

So what do you think?  Can you figure out what products they were originally selling?  Did they do a good job?  What would you have done differently?

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Animals and painty days

The artist Philipp Grein is a watercolor artist who mixes paintings of animals and paint splatters.  In a whimsical way he is giving life and interest to a variety of animals.  He paints the animals in either normal colors or in black and white schemes.  He then adds fun paint splatters of colors into the overall image.

What do you think of his work?  Which work do you like the best?  What animal would you paint if you could create this work of art? 

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

4 Ply or 2 Ply?

I am pretty sure most of us don't think what else can we do with toilet paper? Maybe you have thought of how you could turn toilet paper into art, but for those those that haven't artist Sakr Gokcebag has helped us figure out how toilet paper can become art.

So I must ask, what are your thoughts on this design idea?  Do you think it is interesting or a wste of good toilet paper?  What do you love and what do you think he should have done different?  Do you think there is another medium out there that would work better?

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Plaster Master pieces

Today I came across these incredible plaster works of art.  Unfortunately I couldn't find the artist, but I was very intrigued by both them and their title.  They are called Morbid Plaster Creations.  I will let you be the judge of them.

So what are your thoughts on these pieces?  Is this a project that you would be interested in doing?  What amazes you about them the most?  Is it the subject matter or the details or something else?  What images would you combine?